Chapter 18

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~Sam's POV~

"Sam. Samantha Lee Greenwood. Wake the fuck up. You're gonna be late for work." My eyes shot open to find Sabrina standing over me shaking the shit out of me. I groaned in frustration, and curled up into the blanket more. Apparently we had passed out on the couch at some point early this morning, but I don't remember it. Come to think of it, the only things I do remember from last night are the dance, Merle asking me out, and Daryl being an asshole. I sighed, and tried to hold back the tears. I will not cry over him again. I refuse to.

"Ugh. What the hell time is it?" Sabrina threw my phone to me and almost hit me in the face. I glared at her, but she just laughed. I looked at my phone. Seven thirty.

"Fuck." I jumped up from the couch, but hissed at the pain in my side. Apparently sleeping on the couch in a half sitting, half laying position wasn't too good for my already sore side. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and headed to the bathroom to take a very quick shower. I'm not at all looking forward to facing any of the guys, but on the upside, I'll be in the office all day anyways, so I won't have to look at Daryl or deal with any of them too much. I quickly threw my wet hair into a messy bun and got dressed. I ran to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee and ran out the door after a very quick thank you and goodbye to Sabrina. Let the fun begin. Is it five O'clock yet?

~Daryl's POV~

"Darylina, get your ass up. We gotta get to the shop!" I groaned and looked over at the clock next to my shitty, extremely uncomfortable bed. What I wouldn't give to be laying next to Sam right now. I jumped up from the bed and ran to the bathroom to get ready quickly when I realized that it was almost eight. I was actually really excited to see Sam today. I just hope she will at least look at me. All I want to do is see her smile, just so I know she isn't hurting. I just wish I could take back all of those stupid things I did and said last night. I only want her to be happy, even if it isn't with me.

~Sam's POV~

The whole ride to the shop, I couldn't help but think about my life. Maybe I should just move back to Vermont, at least there I have my parents. But everyone else hates me there. But here, I have to see the man I'm in love with, but I'm scared of every single day, and I know that sooner or later, he is going to find someone that he actually loves. Which one is going to hurt worse? I sighed. Then I decided that today after work, I'm going to call my mom and have her start looking for a place for me to live and a job for me. I know now, that seeing the man I love everyday is going to hurt far worse than being hated by the people back home. I decided that I needed to text Sabrina and let her know that I am going to need to talk to her after work. I had to wait until the Dixon's got here anyways before I can in, so I've got time to kill.

"Listen Brina. When I get home I need to talk to you about something really serious, so can you meet me back there at five please? Love you." I sighed and pressed send. Just as I did, Daryl and Merle pulled up in Daryl's truck. I decided to wait until they went inside before I got out, so I made it look like I was grabbing my things so they didn't wait for me. Thankfully even though Daryl looked over at me with a sympathetic look and eyes filled with regret, I just pretended that I didn't notice and he went inside. I hopped out of my truck and headed towards the office to get going on the paper work that would need to be done for today. I had to walk by Merle and Daryl who were sitting in the front of the shop by the register, and Merle nodded to me, but Daryl, he just kept his head down. I nodded back to Merle and kept walking to get to the office. I sat down and had started on the paper work when I heard a soft knock at the door.

"Come in." I didn't bother looking up, I knew by the sound of the footsteps that it was Daryl. I had figured out the way he walked from all the times he had tried to sneak up on me. Daryl cleared his throat and stepped in.

"You okay.?" I simply nodded in response. I honestly ain't in the mood for any conversations right now. Especially not with him. Daryl sighed deeply.

"Okay, well here's the sheet with what's being delivered today. Can ya just make sure everything is there before the guy leaves." I nodded in reply again, but still didn't look at him. Daryl sighed again.

"I wish you would say something." I rolled my eyes.

"I ain't got nothing to say." I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Will ya at least look at me then?" I ignored him and continued on with my paperwork.

"Sam, Ple-" I cut him off.

"Not now Daryl." Daryl sighed heavily again, but nodded and walked out. I there my pen down and leaned back in the chair. I ran my hands over my face and groaned in frustration. This is gonna be a long week. The rest of the day went by slower than death, but finally, five O'clock came around. I filed the last of the paper work and grabbed my stuff quickly. As I was walking out of the shop, all the guys tried convincing me to go over to Daryl and Merle's house tonight and get drunk, but I obviously declined. All I wanted to do was get home, and talk to Sabrina and my mom. I tore out of the parking lot quickly, leaving a thick cloud of dust behind me. Thankfully when I pulled into my driveway, Sabrina was already here. I walked in and threw my stuff on the table and then plopped down on the couch.

"So, what did ya need to talk to me about?" I sighed and looked down at the floor.

"I-I'm moving back to Vermont. At least for a little while." I looked at Sabrina, and she looked as if she had just seen a ghost.

"B-but Sam, I just got an amazing job here. I can't leave." I sighed.

"I know that. And, that's why you're gonna stay here."

"Sam, no. If you go I go." I shook my head.

"No Sabrina. I'm not gonna let you walk away from your dream job for me. You're gonna stay here and make a life for yourself. I'm not saying I'm going back permanently. I'm keeping the cabin so I can always come back whenever, but I just really need to be with my mom right now okay?" Sabrina had tears streaming down her face now. I walked over to her and wrapped her in a hug.

"Don't cry. I promise. I'll call everyday. I just really need to do this okay?" She nodded.

"When are you leaving?" I sighed.

"I think I'm gonna leave tomorrow." She nodded.

"Listen. I'm gonna go talk to Merle. Daryl is out hunting right now, so this is the only time I can go and not worry about him okay?" She nodded and hugged me again.

"I love you Sam." I sighed.

"Love you too Brina."

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