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Gabriella's p.o.v.

I was sat in Justin's car without exactly knowing where he waa taking me but he told me it would be fun. So who knows?

"I thought ice skating would be fun." He said as my eyes widened.

"I can't ice skate. I've never done it before." I said as he chuckled.

"That's why I'm going to teach you." He said as I felt nervous.

"What if I fall? What if i embarrass myself." I said starting to panic slightly.

"Hey hey I won't let you fall. There's nothing to be embarrassed about I promise I'll help you." He said making me relax even though I still wasn't exactly looking forward to this.

We pulled up at the rink as we went to the front as Justin spoke to the woman before getting two pairs of roller blades. I sat down on the bench as I took my shoes off and slipped my feet into a pair of the roller blades before tightening them up as the woman put our shoes away.

"Come on them." Justin held out his hands for me as I hesitantly took them as he pulled me up. I gripped onto him as he pulled me to the rink.

"You can do it Gaby." He said as I began pushing my feet forward one at a time. I gripped onto his hand as he skated next to me, I was kind of getting the hang of it now although I wasn't ready to let go of his hand yet.

"Hey Justin!" Someone shouted as we turned our heads looking at the girl holding her camera out.

"Justin are you back with Gabriella?" Someone else shouted as I pulled my hand away from Justin. I can't be involved with this drama, especially drama that isn't true.

I skated off to the exit as I heard Justin skate after me.

I grabbed my shoes and took the skates off as I shoved them off.

"Dont worry okay." Justin tried to reaussure me as he put his own trainers back on. I looked around nervously seeing people walk towards us and it literally felt like walls caving in on us.

"Come on." justin grabbed my hand pulling me up as we ran out, we jumped in his car as the flashes went mad. I pulled my jumper over my face blocking their view of me as Justin drove off.

"Sorted." Justin said trying to reasurre me as I nodded pushing my hoodie down. I still couldn't believe that Justin was choosing to spend time with me because all I caused him was extra stress and stuff. Especially recently when everyone was talking about us possibly getting back together.

I sunk into the chair as thoughts ran through my mind - not the best of thoughts either. I just wanted Justin to be happy and all i was is a burden on him. Like I do absolutely nothing for him.

I shook the thoughts out of my mind as my eyes studied the surroundings, the world can be beautiful at times.

We pulled up outside of my house as we climbed out of the car and make our way inside as Justin looked at his phone.

"Hey ive got to go meet Scooter alright?" He said as I nodded my head.

"Have fun." I smiled at him before climbing out the car.

"See you soon love." He said before I closed the door and walked up to the house.




Okay but yall dont even know what I've got planned and I'm so excited to write it!!! I apologize in advance lmao


Obsessedbieber xox

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