18 - What the Hell

Start from the beginning

Though now, it seemed too big of an issue to be called a crush. I would say…


“Well,” V.P Gold’s voice said through the speakers. “Go on to your classes kids.”

Gladly, I thought as I walked ahead of the group, leaving Demetri and Lily alone to chat, a feeling of jealousy bubbling in the pit of my stomach.


It was lunch, and Lily, Dana and Alex and her boyfriend were in class. I had two periods of lunch because I already completed Calculus and would have to wait until next semester to join the class and have one period of lunch like everybody else. Two periods of lunch isn’t as fun as it sounds. When you’re someone like me and has only a small list of friends, it turns into somewhat depressing. I’m always bored during my second period of lunch. I guess I could hop towards the library.

As I made my way towards the library, which I guess would be vacant at this hour of the time except for Ms. Katlyn, the old, sweet lady that worked behind the counters, I hummed to myself. She’d usually just not acknowledge me. That or she just doesn’t see me slipping through the bookshelves like a spy.

When I walked towards the library, I passed Morgy’s office, which was usually vacant, but this time, it was brightly lit, and I could see shadows of two people behind the translucent blinds. I scrunched up my eyebrows. How could be in there at this hour?

“Listen, mutt, you might just run things here, but as long as the Mating-Protection Act stands, you can't get me out of here,” A familiar voice hissed. I bit back a sound of surprise when I realized it was Demetri talking. Why was he referring Morgenstern mutt? Did he want to get expelled or something?

But the Principle laughed. “Please, blood-sucker, like you have a mate. You’ve been roaming the human’s lands for a decade. What makes you think that you’ll find your mate in my property?”

“I already met her,” Demetri replied coldly. I got more confused as the conversation went on. Okay, mutt was one insult, but blood-sucker… what type of insult is that supposed to be? “She’s coming with me to my lands.”

“I believe you haven’t told her what you are yet, Demetri.” Morgy said. I frowned deeper, my forehead creasing. What could Demetri possibly be? I pieced my information together. Blood-sucker… I gasped softly. No… could he possibly be a….

A murderer or an assassin or some sort?

“No,” Demetri said. “And I guess the whole school and your so-called human wife doesn’t know what you are, right? I mean, seriously, you already have a wife back there.”

What? Morgy has two wives? But-but then, how?

…He’s not even attractive…

“They don’t need to know,” Morgy replied.

“I met some mutts of yours that day when I was going to a hospital,” I heard Demetri said. “They let me go, seeing that I am of pure blood.”

“Stupid wolves,” Morgy sighed, “I would’ve liked to see you dead, killed by my own.”

Wolves?! I thought.

Demetri hissed and it was a strange sound. It wasn’t those childish hisses kids make. No, this sounded almost terrifying.

“Calm down, sucker,” Morgy said. I could imagine him rolling his eyes. “I have a proposition. You sign a treaty; one that would assure me that you would do no harm to my people on the human lands. And you get the girl and you may go and I won’t kidnap your girl. Oh, and I know how you’ve been drinking fake blood for some time now. I have fresh!”

My stomach clenched. Was Demetri some cannibal?

I hesitantly backed away, accidentally hitting the glass window, but it’s not like they have super-human hearing and could hear a small tap. Suddenly, a zapping sound zoomed by my ear. A hand was holding me by my throat, the force so tight that it felt like the air was knocked out of my lungs. I choked.

“What did you hear?” A voice that sounded terribly like Demetri’s inquired. Then, whoever that was manhandling swore.

“Rosemarie?” Demetri sound-a-like asked. “Oh god, I’m so sorry Rosemarie.”

I looked up and saw, indeed, Demetri there. How could he had heard me and moved so quickly? I stare at him, fear filling me.

“What the hell are you, Demetri?” I asked.

Demetri bit his lip – and much to my dismay, it was sexy. “Well, Lily might as well need a friend there… so…” he murmured under his breath before cautiously looking at me. His eyes seemed icier than ever.

“Have you ever believed in mythical creatures?” Demetri asked softly.

“No,” I said, “What are you; a fairy?”

“Vampire, Rose,” He said and my heart chilled. “I’m a vampire.”

“No,” I said. “No. You can’t be. There is no such thing as a vampire.” I laughed, but somehow, part of me believed Demetri. No. I ignored the part of me. This must be a joke. How the hell can vampires exist? If they did, I’m pretty sure I’d know by now, that or either the whole world is going to die because of vampires and their blood-sucking habit. “You’re lying. You should tell it to someone gullible. I’m not.”

Demetri’s eyes hardened. “Look,” he said. He slowly brought his arm up. Somehow, his canines elongated. He pierced his skin and I gasped and let out a strained and choked noise at the back of throat. His eyes stayed with me the whole time. Blood oozed out from the place he was biting. He sucked the blood into his mouth before removing his mouth from his arm. “I’m a vampire, Rose.”

I breathed in. “Does anyone else know?”

“Me,” Morgy appeared behind Demetri. “I’m a werewolf.”

Well, shit just got real.


-Demetri’s Point of View-

Rosemarie knows.

Okay. I didn’t want her to know. She would be the last to know if I had a choice. Sure, I did think about bringing her to the palace along with Lily, so my sweetheart would have a friend.

So I guess now she has one.

Reason that I don’t want Rosemarie to know is because I don’t want Lily to know that I’ve kissed her best friend before. But I guess Rose doesn’t want her to know, anyway, so that wouldn’t be a big deal.

But the problem now is how to break it to Lily.

“Hey,” I said as I sat down next to Lily. Rose was cooking in the kitchen, singing loudly to her iPod. Dana was somewhere in the apartment. Alex and her boyfriend were eating out, again.

“Hey there,” Lily said shyly as she turned away from her phone. “What brings you here?”

“You,” I whispered. Lily breathed out slowly.

“Is that so?” She asked as I leaned in. My heart skipped a beat as my forehead touched hers’, and sparks flew just like I got electrocuted.

“Yeah,” I said. “Look, I have you tell you something.”

“Yes?” Lily said as her gorgeous baby blue eyes stared into mine.

“I…” I began. “I’m a… a…”

“A what?” Lily urged.

“Vampire,” Rose said from the kitchen door. “He’s a vampire, Lily.”

A/N: Sorry guys; I know that it is short but I had it properly proofread (sorry if there is still some errors, guys) to make it up for you all. Thank you for the awesome increase in the amount of reads. Please comment and vote or fan me if you really like the story. Sorry for not updating lately. This is for you babies~

Love always,


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