8 - What The...

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Vampire Mates
8: What the…

Demetri's POV

It was obvious she was lying, and I’m pretty sure she had been in absolute agonizing and traumatic pain. God, I am such a terrible soul mate.

I groaned in frustration before pressing the button 6. I’d left some stuff in Dana’s room so I was going to get it back. As the sign screwed into the top of the probably 5x5 m elevator’s door, I watched half-heartedly at it, watching as the numbers blinked and changed. Soon, the sign flashed 6, and the door opened. I walked out of it, and made my way to the girls’ apartment, weaving my fingers through my hair in exasperation.

Once, when I was probably around 100 years old, I had jumped off a cliff without a parachute, and, naturally, survived it. The people standing at the bottom of the hill were so shocked, their mouths agape, and I had to use compulsion to get away with it. I’d thought that it was the stupidest that I had ever done in my entire existence. But now… oh God. I am so stupid… how could I have the heart to let my poor mate go through all that?

I knocked on the door twice and leaned on the doorframe. I waited for a minute but no one answered. I knocked again and rang the doorbell... Hmm. No answer.

I twisted the doorknob and realize Rose didn't close the door—again. Sighing, I went in the apartment and remembered my things were in Dana's room. Wait... Which once is hers again?

Surprisingly, as a vampire, my memory isn’t quite that well.

I went to the first room and opened the door. Turning around, I noticed the guitar case at the side of the room, and a simple cursive name was sewn on it:Rose. I realize it was her room.

Just as I was about to close the door, I heard a muffled scream, and a loud thump. Curious, I walked towards where the sound had come from—the bathroom.

I looked around in panic, wondering what could've happen. The whole room was clean and tidy, without a single thing out of place. And just when I was about to exit the room, thinking it must've been my ears mishearing the scream, I heard it again. I slammed the bathroom door open and then, I saw it…

Rose covered with a towel, covered with blood.

Rosemarie's Point of View

"Hello? Is anyone there?” I asked into the blackness. My voice echoed throughout the dark place.

“Ah, Rose,” A male voice said. I looked around me, but saw nothing but darkness. I bit my lips, and I had a bad feeling about the place. “So you’ve been protected by the spell of Meredith. And though I can’t harm you… I can haunt you.”

“W-who are you?” I stuttered, looking around me in panic.

“I’m just someone of your future. I’m just here… to spook you. I felt a hot pant of air upon my face, and then a hand touched me. I screamed, but not before the hand that had touched my arm retracted.

“The spell is stronger than I had thought,” the man said, as he hissed. “For now, Rose, only for now you are safe from me. I will see you one day again, and I will restore your family name, and have it bonded with my bloodline, and soon… all of your descendants would be bonded with mine…”

“What are you talking about?” I questioned.

“Hm… only for now, Rose,” The voice said again, this time it was fader, “I will see you soon… and that is a promise.”

And I suddenly saw a bright piercing light, glowing in a distance.


My head popped up and realize I was still in the bathtub. The warm water had ran cold, and I was sitting in a pool of slimy cold water, stark naked. I looked down and realize my fingers were bleeding. I stood up slowly, my legs shakily supporting me, my knees weak.

My fingers reached out for the towel on the rack beside me, and I wrapped it around my shivering and shaking body. Just as I was about to make my way out of the bathtub, my legs crumbled and collapsed beneath me, and I screamed in panic as I slipped into the water yet again, and I felt my head knocked back against the tub, making me scream, again, but louder.

I felt my vision go blank, and then I heard a voice in my head.

'Life is hard, isn't it?' A female voice called out. Her delicate, sweet voice differed much from the previous man’s voice. This one was loving, tender, kind and sweet. I heard her voice again, ‘You will be tempted by different things, by different people... But you have to know, you’ve got to follow your heart—it will always lead you back home.’

'What the...' I muttered.

'You believe in myths.' She stated. 'You used to think there was a fairy at your backyard. And there indeed were some. You used to think your mother's a witch. You still think your step-dad is a demon-possessed spirit.'

'What the hell are you talking about?' I asked. ‘Who are you?’

‘I am your guardian, ' she said sweetly. ‘Please, follow your heart. It will bring you to the true place where you belong.' Her voice got muffled, and slowly, her voice faded away, and I slowly blinked open my eyes again.

I opened my eyes and met 3 pairs looking down at me. "What the..." I groaned.

"Rose!" An all too familiar voice shouted. I looked up and saw Demetri. I smiled weakly and looked down. My arms were wrapped and my legs were wrapped with some bandages that were soaked in blood. I groaned.

"What happened?" I manage to croak in fits of pain. A girl cocked her head.

We should be the one asking you that,” She said, “Demetri here found you in the bathroom, covered in nothing but a towel, unconscious.”

“What…” I muttered faintly, my head pounding hard, making me dizzy.

"So you don't remember?" She asked as she got an opaque bottle from a rack. She was dressed in a white cloak, and looked like either a professor or a doctor. Judging by the bed I was laying on, and the tools displayed on top of the drawer to my left, I was guessing it was the latter. She brought the bottle to me. It was a green and yellow mix. It looked weird, like a mixture of guava and banana.

“Drink it,” She said, “It’ll, um, help soothe the pain.”

I took it and narrowed my eyes on it. It didn’t look particularly dangerous, and I was pretty sure it wasn’t poisonous. I gulp it down quickly. Hm.... Odd, but nice.

"Now, boys go out." She ordered before I slumped in her arms, my body going limp, my head getting dizzier and dizzier, my vision blurring/

Shelly's Point of View

"OK, lie down on the bed." I told Rose. "Close your eyes."

Rose did as she was told and laid down and closed her eyes. I took out the potion and dripped it on my hands. I rubbed it for a few seconds and wiped it on Rose's forehead.

Rose's eyes began to press tightly together before they were loosened, and it seemed to relax a little before she went into unconscious mode. I close my eye, rubbing my damp hands on my forehead as well, before I felt myself black out.

“Hello? Anyone there?” Rose asked. I could barely make out her figure, seeing that it was a dimly lit place.

“Rose,” Another voice, female and sturdy, replied. “Hello.”

Wait… that sounded oddly familiar….


Author’s Note: Very, very short chapter. Sorry. I hope you still liked it though! Vote and comment!



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