"Okay sounds good." He smiled to her.

"Yep just some good old studying!" She said looking down to her dad.

"Ok ok." David said looking to her. "Get to work." He was starting to get embarrassed by them.

Zach and Maya laughed to themselves before studying. Zach was confused with most of it and asked a lot of questions about everything which actually helped Maya study better.

A week of studying and taking tests went by and Maya finally was done testing. She was confident that she would pass now because she had so much time to study for all of her tests.

Maya went with Zach to borrow a suite from Gold's shop. Belle had been running it since Gold wasn't there. He got a nice navy blue one with a gray tie. Maya thought he looked very handsome.

It was the day Maya would get her results and she couldn't help but he nervous. If she passed she would go to the ceremony that occurred a couple minutes after. "Don't worry Mys. You are definitely smart enough to have passed." Emma said smiling to her as the family including Killian, Zachariah, and Regina all are a brunch together before the ceremony. Emma, Maya, Hook, and Zachariah all sat across from each other at the end.

"I agree. If your smarts match your wits then you'll pass the schooling for sure." Hook added.

"A compliment? I think I'm growing on you." Maya smiled.

"Tends to happen when you're around so often." He said fiddling with his cup.

"Ah I see. You want to spend more time with Em without me there. I can't help that I live with her." Maya said with a shrug.

"Seriously? Do you guys ever stop?" Emma asked with a small sigh and a smile.

"You should be glad. It's called bonding." Maya smiled to her sister.

"If that's what you call it." Emma said looking to Maya.

"But besides all that you'll be fine at your testing." Zach smiled as he held her hand.

"Aww how sweet. They are holding hands." Emma said looking at Maya.

And his hand is around you. I'd say you need to have better tricks, Maya thought enough so Emma could hear.

"Oh whatever. I'm not a teenager anymore. Picking on my sibling isn't my strongest suite." Emma answered.

"What did we miss?" Zach asked looking to Maya while Hook looked to Emma.

"Telepathy thing with our thoughts." Emma answered.

How sweet, he's giving you puppy eyes, Maya thought.

"Shut up." Emma said as she kicked Maya lightly under the table. Maya laughed as she looked at her.

"I'm still lost." Hook said looking to Zach.

"Me too." Zach nodded with a shrug.

"Maya you should go get your results soon and get ready." Mary Margaret said from the other end of the table.

"Okay. I'll head out. I'll meet you after the ceremony. Hopefully you'll get to see me walk." Maya smiled.

"See you later sweetie." Mary Margaret smiled.

"Bye Maya. Good luck." Zach smiled lightly from his seat. Maya smiled back before walking out.

Look who's making eyes now, Maya heard in her head.

CURIOUS: Sensational ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 4]Where stories live. Discover now