F- Summer I...

S- Look you didn't do anything, it's just that I can't do this. I'm gonna talk to Mr. Finn and see if he can change the partners.

F- Summer just give me a chance. Here, come to my house to work on the song for one day. And if you still want to change partners then I'll understand.

She nodded her head and began to put her things away. She then walked out of class.

Class wasn't ending for another 2 minutes.

----------- Time Jump to after School-----

Summer POV

Today I lost my best friend and today I lost Freddy. I wasn't able to apologize and he probably thinks I'm a brat.

I walked home alone, still ignoring Tomika. Serves her right for breaking off our friendship.

I entered my house and noticed a note taped to the refrigerator.

It read:

Summer I'll be home late
There's food in the fridge

❤️ Mom

I opened the fridge and prepared myself some pasta, though I wasn't in the mood to eat. I was supposed to meet up with Freddy but I really didn't want to. As I twirled around the pasta on my fork I mustered up the courage for what needed to be done.

I had to go and apologize to Freddy.

Freddy POV

Ding Dong

F- I'm coming!

I threw on my jacket and ran to the door. I wasn't expecting anyone today so I was in my sweatpants and a t-shirt. Summer had cancelled on our duet session.

I creaked open the door and saw... Summer. Her blonde curly hair reflecting the moonlight.

F- Oh hey Sum!

S- Can we talk?

(Talk now us? Comment if you know where that's from 😂)

F- Uh sure come on in.

She hesitated.

S- Actually I think it'd be better out here...

F- Ok. One sec.

I put on some sandals and walked out the door, shutting it behind me. We both sat on the brown wooden bench on my front porch.


S- Look I'm sorry.

F- Sorry?

I knew what she was sorry for but I acted as if I didn't.

S- I um had another event the same day as your party and I really wanted to make it. I just didn't have the heart to tell you.

F- Wow.

I had never seen her so vulnerable.

S- What?

F- Nothing, just thank you for apologizing. It really means a lot. 

She smiled. It appeared as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders.

S- I didn't mean what I said in class.

I want to do the duet with you.

F- I do too.

We both stared at each other dumbfound.

Her eyes were sparkling with hints of what appeared to be silver. She stared at me and started to move closer. Her face was inches away from mine.

I began to lean in, our hands beginning to intertwine until

Ring ring

Her phone went off.

S- I uh gotta go. Bye Freddy

She ran off into the night.

See I told you there would be Fremmer 😂💜 The drama is beginning to unfold... stay tuned...

Fremmer... It's Complicated ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum