"Matt! You better not be distracting Audrey from her homework!" I heard Tom squawk while walking up the stairs next to my room.

I knew if he saw us like this, he'd probably flip out, but I don't care. He's not going to ruin our moment.

"I love you, Audrey." Matt whispered in my ear.

Before I could get a chance to tell him I loved him back, Tom stormed into my room like a maniac.

"Hey, what's going on?" He questioned, walking over to us.

I groaned getting up, but answered his question:

"Nothing, just laying here. The covers aren't even on us." I showed him, but he still gave Matt a dirty look.

Matt and I sat up, sitting next to each other on my bed.

"What's this?" Yet, another question. He pointed to the little sliver box on my desk, then picked it up.

"Oh, my. This is beautiful. Is it real?" He asked another question.

"Yes. Now go!" I chuckled, shooing him away.

"One more thing, I have another question." He informed us, looking at Matt.

Oh great, another question. That's like all he does... asks questions!

"Shoot away." Matt told him.

"Now you both have to answer this honestly." He eyed us both. "Are you-"

Before he could ask, my mom walked in. Instantly, we both stood up and off the bed.

I didn't even know she was home.

"I'm about to ask them, sweetie." He informed my mom.

My mom just nodded, indicating for him to go on.

"Are you guys having sex?" It came out so quickly.

My jaw dropped to the floor. I cannot believe he just asked that! That makes me feel like they don't trust me. Or Matt.

Matt answered, "No, sir. We're not."

And that's the truth.

We've talked about it before. The right timing and all. Who's house would it be at. Would it be during the week or on a weekend. Would it be all romantic with rose petals and soft music, or just plain. We don't know, but we're not having sex.

"No! Why can't you trust me? Or us? Matt hasn't done anything to make you think that. Neither have I, on that note." I defended, crossing my arms.

"No, we do trust you. Honestly, we trust both of you." My mom objected, she's not very convincing. "It's just your second anniversary is coming up."

"Yeah, look at this!" Tom grabbed the little silver box, and showed it to my mom.

"Goodness, this is gorgeous!" She gasped. "Mathew!"

I couldn't help but smile. It truly was adorable. Not only was it physically, but just the fact of how thoughtful he is.

"Thank you." Matt simply spoke, smiling like an idiot.

"Now, are you both virgins?" Out came another question out of Tom's mouth.

"I am not." Matt's answer.

"I am." My answer.

"Now get out." I said coldly, pointing to the door way. More to Tom, then Mom.

"Thank you both for your honesty." Tom thanked us and they both walked out of the room.

"Wait, mom." I called out to my mom.

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