13. Chapter - Whatever

Start from the beginning

But I didn't let him. I was fed up with this whole situation.

"Fine." Stomping towards a bedside table where the phone laid, I pressed the numbers and waited for the receptionist of the hotel to pick up. It took no more than twenty second, but even that was too long for me considering the situation.

"Good morning, Bost-"

Not letting the girl on the other line speak, I gritted my teeth once again, just barely keeping my voice low enough so I wouldn't unnecessarily scare her with yelling.

"McNemara speaking, there is an aggressive intruder in my room. Please take care of it, or I'll be forced to call the police." I hung up right after, not wanting to hear anything from her. The hotel had to have some kind of security on its own, so it shouldn't be a problem for them to deal with the guy.

Taking another deep breath, I turned, wanting to go and take a shower before they got the fucker out of my room, but before managing to make even one step, I was met with a fist of the bastard.

I grunted, backing few steps down, and wiped the blood from my freshly busted lip. Looking at the red stains on my hand, I lost whatever patience that was left. Coming forward, I swung at him as well, not hesitating for a second.

"You want to fight, huh? I'm sure I already told you I was in a bad mood, you piece of shit. You have no right to be mad at me, your little boyfriend never told me he had a lover, not to mention I was dead drunk last night, so he probably just used the opportunity he got and seduced me. This is my last warning. Stop this bullshit, or I swear I will beat the shit out of you," I growled, my hands shaking uncontrollably.

He was lying on the floor, looking at me like a scared little puppy, probably shocked I returned the punch. I couldn't stop the smirk turning my lips upwards.

"If you thought I was going to just stand by and let you use me as a punching bag, you were severely mistaken. The security should be there any moment now. They will take care of all your bullshit," I growled, ignoring his stares, and continued towards the bathroom. I really needed the shower.

Back to present time

Asking the bartender for another glass of scotch, I felt the rage of this morning filling my whole being again. I had to calm down somehow, and drinking seemed like the right choice for that.

"Come on, Vic. Let's go back to the hotel and get some sleep. Yesterday's and this morning's events were enough of a scandal. Are you really going to risk so much? You made such a scene when I took you to the gay bar, all the shit about the paparazzi. And now this? Don't you think you've got enough for another week or two?" Nels took a barstool next to me, ordering a glass of beer.

"Whatever. Just leave me alone. This day went from shitty to catastrophic in a matter of few hours, and I need to drink it away!"

The only thing I wanted to do at the moment was to forget. I knew I would regret it next morning, but that was still too far away for me to care about. I felt like laughing when I realized how annoyed I was because of the business trip at the beginning. I would gladly go back to that time if it meant I wouldn't be feeling like I felt now. Those all too familiar feelings of betrayal and devastation were slowly filling my whole being, and I couldn't seem to find a way to stop it from totally consuming me again. I didn't want to go back in time and experience the same things I did all those years ago, but it seemed like I wouldn't be able to stop it from happening.

"If you refuse to listen to me, I will be forced to call Alison. Do you really want her to come here and make a scene? You know how devilish she can get when she is pissed off, and she will definitely be pissed off when she sees you drunk."

This bastard was getting on my nerves more and more. As if I cared about something like this. I will not let him threaten me with Lisa. She knew better than to bother me when I was in a bad mood.

"Go ahead. We will see who would win."

Nels sighed.

He looked like he was about to give up and finally leave me alone, when his head turned towards me, a weird seriousness visible in his eyes.

"What happened? The morning incident aside, there had to be something else that put you in such a dark mood. It's been quite a long time since you've acted like this."

I shook my head, not really wanting to talk about it. There was no reason to discuss my actions few hours ago. I could totally see his reaction, and I was not in a need for another lecture. The previous one from Ali was enough. All this mess happened because I let her get inside of my head, and considering Nels was able to do the same thing, I didn't want to risk it.

"Nothing. I don't want to talk about it."

Caught by surprise, my eyes shot towards his hand that just hit the counter in front of me. He had to be really on edge to do that.

Nelson wasn't one to get angry easily. He was the easy going type of guy who just went with the flow and never really stressed about anything. Him being angry was a little bit scary and weird, to be honest.

"Just spill it out already. You will feel better, trust me." His voice softened at the end, lips turning in a slight smile.

Finishing the drink in one go, I asked for another one and took a sip from it as well. I really didn't want to talk about it; I didn't want to recall the incident, but he wouldn't let it go so easily. Whenever he got like this, he would bother me nonstop until I told him everything. I remember one time several years ago, when I found out I wasn't as bisexual as I thought. I was miserable because I always wanted a child or two, and finding out women were no longer attractive to me was devastating. I knew there was always a way to have a child even without sleeping with a female, but at that time I couldn't thing clearly. Nels immediately noticed something was wrong with me and pestered me for five days, even sleeping over in my apartment, until I've had enough of it and told him everything.

Just imagining him being so annoying right now was making me feel literally sick.

Scoffing, I finished another drink and looked at him, smiling.

"I fucked up."

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now