Issue #54: Hunter's Wake [Part One]...a Supernatural TLN Sequel

Start from the beginning

“One o’clock?”

“Yea, bye.” She said and there was a distinct click.

“Oh Dean,” I shook my head, “If I have to spend more than a day in that car again, I think I might kill myself.” I admitted.

He raised his eyebrows, flipping his phone shut and tucking it away in his pocket. “That’s okay, it’s a night’s drive.”

“Take shifts driving then?” I asked. “Right now I could pass out, but wake me up so its not just you and Sam driving all night, that’s not fair for either of you.”

“We’re used to it.” Sam pointed out, and I refrained from shuddering when I remembered him falling asleep at the wheel from his hallucinations of Lucifer. Not only did his life be endangered at that moment, but mine as well. We would have crashed into that semi had neither of us woken up.

“Fine, but Dean, you need to wake me up when Sam drives,”


“So I can stay awake while you sleep.” I answered protectively, Sam was probably grateful I didn’t bring up that incident with him falling asleep, because even though Castiel has Sam’s illness now, Sam still felt horrible about nearly killing us.


The black iron bars creaked into the wind, nearly swinging off its hinges. It was haunted, and this was Annie’s case. Candles flickered on the edge of the bookshelves, so she knew living people were there, or at least, once living people had been present, now they were gone vanishing without a trace.

Annie walked along quietly, her shoes squeaking against the floor, just barely audible. She pulled out the gun loaded with salt rounds, at the same time tucking a long strand of blonde hair behind her ears, her old eyes watching intently for any signs of supernatural life. Annie was probably in her early to mid forties.

 She entered the dark room, and she pulled out a flashlight, slowly skimming it across everything. Her shadow cast across two dead bodies, blood flowing out of their mouths. Her heart faltered, so this was their fate.

Suddenly she felt a presence behind her.

Next thing she knew she was in intense pain, screaming for mercy.


We sat in the restaurant, reading the paper and drinking warm beverages, just pretty much killing time. I sighed, putting the menu down. How long were we going to have to wait for this woman? I hated waiting, more than anything in the world, well besides Dick Roman…Crowley…and Meg. Those monsters definitely made my top three, but having patience was in my top ten of enemies.

Dean pointed out that Dick Roman was on another archaeological dig.

“So what?” I sighed, “It’s not like he’s digging his own grave. Now if he was, that would be something exciting.”

“What’s the matter with you?” Breanna asked as I rubbed my temples, “Another vision?”

“No,” I answered, “Just a stupid migraine. This is probably the most normal thing that’s happened to me in a while.” They always had the worst timing too.

Sam looked at me with curiousity, “Has it happened a lot since you—uh—went back to Michigan after finding Jesse Turner?” He didn’t want to say since I had died.

Breanna shook her head, “No she always had these, I used to joke about it and tell her that she drank too much. She used to get one about every other week, but they’ve been toned down since she’s had—what’s the wolf’s name again—I don’t think you’ve ever told me.”

In the Life Afterword: A Supernatural The Long Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now