Fuel To Fire

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I woke up and Nik was gone.

"Nik?" I asked and looked around.

"Morning, love." There he stood. His body was soo hot. Gosh. I bit my lip and looked at him.

His eyes gleamed and he smiled so that his dimples were showing.

"Breakfast?" He asked and put his shirt on.

"Yes. I just hope in the shower and be down in some minutes."

Klaus nodded and walked downstairs.

I showered quickly and into a pair of black skinny's and a laced fitted shirt.

As I walked downstairs I noticed Rebekah's bed was untouched.

"Where's Rebekah?" I asked as I came downstairs.

Hayley sat at the kitchen counter and ate some breakfast while Elijah and Niklaus were having a starring contest.

"She didn't came home last night." Elijah explained not looking away from Niklaus.

From the fridge I grabbed myself a blood bag before I turned back to them.

"And what's with you?"

"My beloved brother thinks that I'm just using this baby to strengthen my power."

I looked at Elijah.

"And I already said that I never wanted to accuse him. I was just thinking he knew of the baby."

"Which I didn't." Nik chipped in.

"Okay. So you try to kill each other with your looks?" I joked and Hayley chuckled.

My words didn't seem to affect them so I grabbed my phone to check on Rebekah.

-Hey Bekah. Where are you? I'm at Marcel's bar in a bit. Meet me there? xx-

Hayley sighed and I looked at her.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. It's just- I really want to find something about my family."

"So maybe I can help you with that."


"As you may know I have my friend Nikki here and she lived here for quite a long time. Maybe she knows something."

Hayley raised an eyebrow.

"At least I could try."

"Thank you." She whispered and I sent her a small smile.

"So guys." I raised my voice again. "It looks like you'll keep staring at each other. So I will go into town now."

I got up and put my combat boots on before I headed out.

I was walking through the streets and all of sudden I saw: "Tyler." I gasped.

He turned around and looked at me.

"Pepe, hey."

"I don't want to be rude or anything but what are you doing here?" I asked and sent him a small smile.

"I came here to see Hayley."

"Really?!" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yep." He said and popped the 'p'.

"I heard you broke up with Caroline."

Tyler's face dropped slightly. "Yeah."

"And so you decided to leave town?"

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