I've been a fool and I've been blind

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*1953, New Orleans/ 3rd Person POV*

The young woman leaned against the wall outside the bar obviously waiting for someone.

She wore a tight, high waisted skirt that ended below her knees and a blouse tucked into it.

A group of guys walked passed her and stopped before they entered the bar. The oldest of them turned around and looked at her. She took a step towards them, out of the shadows. Her brown hair was pinned up and her lips were a deep red shade. "Hello, beautiful." She tilted her head. "You wanna join us?" Instead of answering she walked passed the group slowly. Once she reached the door she looked over her shoulder and gave them a short wink before she walked inside. Without hesitation they followed her.

Music along with laughter filled the room. A man stood behind the bar and served drinks, flirting with the young woman who were ordering drinks. They were shy, careful until they had a few drinks but they were still holding something back. When the brunette entered the bar everyone turned around to look at her and the musicians stopped playing. "Hello, Penelope." The guy with the trumpet said and winked at her. The guys that followed her inside walked over to the bar while she walked over to the small stage and got hold of the micro. The music started playing and she started singing.

After the first song a man in a suit entered the bar and once he spotted Penelope he grinned.

He ordered two bourbon before he waited for her near the stage. She saw him, stopped singing and approached him. "You must be Marcellus." His face remained blank. "Marcel. Call me Marcel." "Fine." She said. "Penelope." He nodded and handed her one of the drinks. "Why don't we go to the back. We have something to discuss." She suggested. Marcel looked uneasy. The fact that someone had control over something in his town was making him nervous. "Fine." Penelope grinned before she walked into one of the small rooms in the back of the bar. "So you wanted to meet me? Here I am." She announced and looked at him. "I've been watching you. You're a killer and you enjoy the hunt." Penelope raised an eyebrow. "And why should that be a problem. You're a vampire, Marcel. You should know what the savour in this is." She winked but his face remained hard. "You're here in my town and there are rules."

The younger vampire raised an eyebrow. "I heard that you are the 'king of New Orleans' and that everyone does as you say but what makes you think that I will do that as well?" Suddenly Marcel jumped up and pushed Penelope up against a wall. "Careful. I am older." He whispered dangerously in her ear. His eyes were hard but a smile was on his face because he could dominate her. She got hold of his hand and his eyes became wide when she grabbed his hand and pushed it away slowly. With vampire speed she had her hands around his neck and pressed him against a wall. "But only by a few years. You better don't underestimate me nor provoke me." She whispered. "How are you that strong?" Marcel asked between gritted teeth. "Well," the young woman traced a finger along his lip, "I learned from the best besides... I am angry." Marcel swallowed. "Stay away from me." And with that she left the small room.

The male vampire sat in the room and downed his bourbon before he disappeared into the night.

*End of Flashback*

I woke up and looked to the right side of the bed. Klaus wasn't there. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the sounds in the house. Nothing. I got up and walked into the bathroom where I found my cloth from last night. I bit my lip thinking of the hunt I had and my conversation with Marcel.

Was he right? Was I hiding my true self? I had the cloths in my hand when I heard Nik entering the bedroom. I stuffed them in a box before he entered the room. "Good morning, love." He smiled, cupped my cheeks with his hands and kissed me. I smiled in the kiss and let my fingers run through his hair. Suddenly the memories from last night returned and lust along with power overcame me.

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