I hope you don't mind

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The biker fell back in the seat.

I moaned and swiped the blood away.

My phone buzzed and I started shaking when I saw the caller ID.


"Elijah." I said drily.

"I am sorry."

"What for , Elijah? You haven't slep with Hayley!"

"I should have told you."

I shook my head and sighed.

"Elijah stop it. But if you wanna do me a favour meet me in Alabama."

There was silence at the other end.

"Alabama?!" Elijah sounded confused. "That's just a bit away from New Orleans. What are you doing there?"

"Are you going to come here or not?"

"Of course I will." I could alost see this loving smile on his face.

I hung up and ordered another drink.

"I'm really going to do this... God." I mumbled.

"Your drink." The hot bar tender ripped me out of my thoughts. "Can I bring you something else?"

Oh, he's flirting fine. How cute.

"A shot. Of your blodd." I compelled him.

His blodd dripped into the glass and I sent him a dirty grin.

"Thank you, honey."

Without hesitation I downed it. "Refill please."

I laughed in joy and took the second shot.

"And more honey."

"Penelope. When did you start playing these games?"

I turned around and looked into the deep brown eyes of Elijah.

"The summer was long, Elijah." I winked.

"Penelope. I need to explain some things to you."

"Elijah, I-"

"No, Penelope! Stop! I am sorry because I didn't stop this all from happening! We came to New Orleans to find peace and then there were these witches who threatened Hayley and the baby! She never came here because of us. She came here because she was looking for her family."

"Elijah, I don't need to hear this."

Now he looked desperate: "Please, I-"

"No, Elijah. I don't need to know all this because I will come back to New Orleans."

His jaw dropped.


"I'll fight."

Elijah wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Penelope." He whispered and I had to fight the tears.

And then we stood there in our embrace.

"Come." Elijah suddenly pulled awy and took my hand: "I guess you're here with the cadi?"

I laughed as we walked outside.

We passed the welcome-sign and I took a deep breath.

Elijah stroke my cheek.

"You sure you wanna do this?"

"No, I'm not." I laughed nervously and stopped the car in front of the hotel.

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