Ex's and Introductions

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McKenna's boyfriend up top


Ember's POV Tuesday afternoon

Mom had just left to have a girls night out with some mom's that she had befriended when I decided to go over and hang out with Eva. I texted her to let her know I was coming over and I locked my door as I left. When I had gotten to the edge of her drive way I noticed a car that was pulled over. It was off so I paid no attention to it. I walked in and saw Eva and McKenna hanging out and watching a random movie.

I plopped down in between them and found out that they were watching Deadpool. After it finished McKenna had decided that 8:00pm would be a good time to go and get popcorn from the store. He also went to get any other groceries that was needed in the house.

Eva had went upstairs to go get another movie and a blanket. All of a sudden a crash came from my left, the front widow, and I saw Lucas in grey sweats. I froze but as soon has he punched my chin I reacted. I elbowed his throat and kneed his gut as hard as I could. Lucas, angry, had slapped me so hard that I had fallen to the ground. I hit my head on the coffee table and rolled to the side. Before I lost consciousness I felt like I was beginning dragged. All of a sudden everything went black.

Hey babygirl. Everything is gonna be okay. Don't worry we will be together again soon, I promise. Lucas' voice​ kept echoing in my head, I can't move, I can't stop it. I am trapped, and now I knew it, it was too late no one could save me. All my demons have teamed up and where now fighting me, crushing me. My lies, my mistakes, my lack of a heart or home. I was all alone. I have lost everything. Lost everything. Lost. And my mind went silent.

All of a sudden I see a blinding light, did I make it into heaven? If so the angels must be lowering their standards. I then realized it is coming from a lamp, Lucas, he must've caught me. I scream and a nurse rushes in. "Hey, calm down kiddo. You're okay, you're safe." I nodded understanding and thanks. "It's my job. I'm Devin, I will go let your friends know that you are awake." With that he walks off.

A couple of minutes later Eva, Mitchell, and Connor walk in. They stare, my face must be swollen and bruised from the fight. "What happened?" Connor was genuinely concerned. "Lucas, that's what."

As I tell them my side of the story they all gasp and Mitchell shakes with anger. "Why does he think that he can mess with you like that? Does he think you are his personal bitch?" I shrug, "He is a spoiled Daddy's boy that didn't get what he what. This is him throwing a tantrum." Mitchell shakes his head in disappointment, so does Connor and Eva. Just then McKenna bursts through the door. With him is a 6'0" dude covered in tattoos. He has a shaved head and he looks well built.

"Oh. My. God. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" McKenna was furious and the dude next to his scooted away. McKenna looks at him and kisses his cheek, "Thanks for the ride babe. I'll call you later." McKenna's boyfriend left and McKenna looks at us, "Explain." And so we did.

"Now it is your turn." I say with a hint of teasing in my tone, "Who was that lovely specimen that gave you a ride?" McKenna looked shocked, "You just got attacked by your Ex and you want to talk about my boyfriend?"

"What can I say, today is just a good day for Ex's and introductions."

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