Bomb Threat

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Up top is Mitchell


Time skip Tuesday, Art Class

"Connor, I'm so bored." I complain for the millionth time, our teacher is MIA and the sub won't let us do anything. Right now I and spinning a roll of pig duct tape around my wrist. "I wish this class would just explode or something." Connor looks over at me, "I like the way your thinking, but we need to look beyond school. What if we blew up the world?" I nod along and look at the duct tape for ideas, "The bomb should look like a pig so no one gets suspicious."

For half an hour Connor and I talked about how we would make the world implode on itself with a pig bomb. Since we wanted ourselves and friends to live we said we would wait till we could build a shelter on Mars. I am seventy five percent sure we were on drugs.

As Connor and I leave the class evil laughing I bump into someone. "Sorry." I mumbled and as I walked away I hear them reply "You better be bitch." I stopped, turned around and looked at her. She looked like the average high school slut, tight clothes that show off to much cleavage and ass, stripper heels, big hoop earrings and 25 pounds of make up. "I don't want any slut on me." She sneers. "To late for that." I say only loud enough for Connor to hear, and of course he chuckles in agreement. "Listen I gotta go, can we speed this up?" I say looking straight into her emerald eyes. She would be beautiful if her personality matched her appearance. She huffs and stomps off. "How old is she? 5?" I comment, walking with Connor to my class.

After school

When I get home I notice Dad's Jeep isn't home so he must not be either. I walk upstairs and check on Mom, she is asleep. I go do my homework.

3 hours later

After I finish my homework I got to check on my parents, Dad is working and Mom's asleep still. As I go to order pizza, not wanting to cook, I get a text.

Connor- hey, Eva wanted to know if you would want to join us for dinner

Me- Sure. Wait who is us?

Connor- McKenna, Mitchell, Eva and me. So basically everyone one we would save from the distruction of the world

Connor- Destruction**

Me- sure omw

I put my shoes on, write a note for Mom, and walk over. When I get there I don't even knock, I just walk in like a true best friend. I plop down on the couch and watch Supernatural with Eva and Connor. This episode was when Dean was killed a million times by the trickster. My poor boys.

Beep beep beep beep, Eva jumped up to go get the garlic bread out of the oven, "DINNER!" everyone rushed into the dining room."On the menu tonight is spaghetti and meatballs with a side of cheesey garlic bread." Everyone starts eating, everyone but me. "Aren't you gonna eat?" Eva questions me. "I would, it smells and looks great but I am just not hungry." Eva frowns, "Fine I'll eat as much as I can." After I eat as much as I can I thank Eva and the guys and head home.

When I get home I get bombarded with questions from my parents like 'where Ave you been?' and 'why didn't you answer my texts?' all I did was say sorry and head up to my room. I mean I left a note on the fridge they just didn't look for it. Just an everyday thing between me and my parents.


Bye Smiles

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