The Neighbors

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Up top is Eva

Welcome Back Smiles

Thank you so much for sticking around any ways onto the story.


As I walked up the driveway to my neighbors house I notice this nice tardis blue 2013 Ford Escape. It was parked outside of the garage, maybe they are secretly hoarders that hide everything in the garage, I thought to myself as I knocked on the door.

"Hello!" a short blonde girl shrieked as she opened the door, "You must be one of the new neighbors, I am so ecstatic to meet you! My names Eva, want to come in?"

"I-" before I could say anything else she was already dragging me inside. "Here put the basket on the table and we can get to know each other better." she said as she walked off.

After setting the basket of assorted fruits down I took a seat on the worn leather couch. Eva came back with a bowl of goldfish and sat down right next to me, "Want some?" she asked grinning with goldfish already stuffed in her cheeks, I nodded and took a hand full, this is gonna be the start of a beautiful friendship. No I cant break Rule #1 on the first day. "So I never caught your name, what is it?"

"Oh, I'm Ember." I said shaking her outstretched hand. "So Ember tell me a bit about yourself."

"Well I am 17, I will be finishing up senior year over at Grant High school and-" Before I could finish my sentence a 6'3" ginger dude walked down the stairs "Eva, what was all your shrieking about, it woke me up from a fantastic dream about my boyfri-" He cuts off as he noticed me, "Um, whose this?"

"This is Ember our new neighbor, she brought over a fruit basket, the pineapple is covered in chocolate." Eva said, I don't feel like it was a good idea to give chocolate covered things to to this little ball of energy. "She was just telling us that she would be going to our school and that she is my age."

The ginger looks at me again, "Hi I'm McKenna, sorry I am not really good at this whole introduction thing."  He soon started walking off towards what I am now guessing is the kitchen. After 2 minutes the smell of coffee overwhelms me, "Want any?" I nod. "How do you want it?" he asks. "Black, like my soul." He grins, "I knew there was potential in you."

McKenna walks out and come back in with three mugs. He hands me one with coffee while he hands Eva a hot chocolate. "Did you put any marshmallows in it?" Eva asks, I giggle, she reminds me of what a little sister would be like. "No Eva, Connor said he would pick some up at the store."

"Whose Connor?" as soon as the words left my mouth I hear the roar of a Harley pulling into the drive way. "That would be him." Eva giggled then glared at McKenna, "He better have bought my marshmallows. Or else yous a dead man."

The door slammed open and a tall brunette guy with freckles sprinkled across his face came in with a couple of grocery's in his arms, "Eva, McKenna go get the rest off of the- Oh, Hi" He looked nervous, "I'm Connor." I smiled a greeting as Eva introduced us.

McKenna, which I hadn't even noticed had left, came back in with three Walmart bags, "You didn't forget the Marshmallows right?" Connor grinned, McKenna was apparently scared of Eva's threat. "Yeah they are in here some where."

Eva bounced off, probably looking for the marshmallows in the bags that were set down in the kitchen. When Eva came back she was happily chewing on mini marshmallows, "They're Eva sized!"

I giggled "Anyways, it was nice to meet you all, I hope you enjoy the fruit basket but I gotta go." I said as I headed towards the door.

"Bye Ember." McKenna hollered from down the hall.

"Bye!" Connor and Eva said as I closed the door behind me.

Rule #1 is gonna be harder to follow that I thought.


So did you like the second chapter? I hope you did but if you didn't tell me why. Anyways that is all for now. Bye Smiles. :D

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