Calm and Clean

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Eva's POV, Leaving from party

As we walk out of the party and towards Ember's Rocket I notice Ember is fuming. I look at what Ember is staring at, her bike was covered in pink and red lipstick, and they were dumb enough to sign it, Claire and one of her bitches. I am not a fan of cussing but for those girls, I don't care, moralities out the window. I patted Ember's shoulder, "Hey, as long as the engines okay everything is good. You can always clean it." Ember grunts something that sounds like, Claire is so dead, and turns to me, "I don't care about having to clean it, what I care about is the disrespectful attitude towards me. All I did was bump into her and threw some insults, she started it by calling me a bitch and whore." Ember hops on the bike and I hop on after her. I hug her tightly as we zip off.

Ember's POV

I park outside of Eva's house, I am staying the night because my parents are out of town on business. We only moved here to be closer to the company. My dad is a geologist, we move around alot to find oil an to study rocks, yep rocks. It makes my dad happy and pays well so my mom and I live with it. Any how, Eva, the guys and I all stayed up to watch movies. McKenna was eating all the Pringles, Eva was eating all the chocolate covered gummy bears and Mitchell and Connor were sharing a large bowl of popcorn, if their hands touch I'm gonna shriek, they are my OTP.

When the movie ends Eva is passed out and so is McKenna. Connor and Mitchell went upstairs thirty minutes ago so I don't know what they are doing. I carried Eva upstairs and put her on the bed, she weights nothing. McKenna's fat ass is asleep on the couch so I just got him a blanket. I laid down on the carpet with a blanket and fell asleep myself.

Time skip morning

I wake up at 5:30 am, I was the only one up. Looks like I am making breakfast. I look in the fridge and find breakfast sausage, eggs and a gallon of two percent milk. Looks like I'll be making pancakes with sausage. I work on making the pancakes and start on the coffee. As the coffee got poured McKenna woke up and grabbed a mug and put half the bottle of creamer in it. When the sausage and pancakes are done Eva comes down, pours herself a glass of milk and gets a plate. Mitchell and Connor race down for the food last second, they are such dudes, we sit down and eat. I drink coffee but don't eat anything. When everyone finishes we all just chat about random little things.

About two hours later I walk home to take a shower and clean my Rocket. I decided to clean my Rocket first. I can't use rubbing alcohol or any damaging chemicals so that I don't ruin the paint job. I run up to my mom's room and end up using her make up remover. It takes twenty minutes to get all the lipstick off.

Overall today was pretty calm and clean.

Sorry for the short chapter. I try to have around 700 to 550 words and this was closer to the 550 range so, yeah. Bye.

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