Day 91

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Knock, knock.

"Yo, newbies! Come to the diner, we wanna show you around and introduce ya." Someone, Jacob, I think, says loudly from our front steps after banging on the door. Leo and I do as he asks and stop lying around moaning about the heat. We get as ready as old, stolen clothing and dirty hair will allow, and then go outside and cross the street to the diner.

"Hey guys." Alice greets us at the counter, much more pleasant than our previous encounters. "Come meet the town."

"How many people live here?" Leo asks as we begin following Alice around the little restaurant.

"Uh, eleven, I think. Somethin' like that. Plus you two." She answers with a shrug. "It's not much, but after the global population dropped a shit ton and most people are hiding in evac camps or underground... anyone left is just on their own somewhere. I bet there's other groups like this out there, too." Alice explains.

"Even eleven seems like a lot of people to me. The most we had at once was four. Well, and a cat. But we never even came across anybody else." I say.

"I feel ya. We were on our own for awhile, too, before we found this place. Anyway, this is Dave and Carla. Dave, Carla, this is Leo and Addy." Alice introduces us to a married couple, probably in their early thirties, sitting at one of the booths along the windows.

"Nice to meet you." Dave says with a kind smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. Carla looks like she hasn't slept in weeks. She gives a hint of a smile before returning her eyes to the table. Alice keeps walking and we follow.

"This is Jim, he kinda runs this place. Leo and Addy." Alice stops again beside a middle-aged, lanky, uncombed man.

"Good, good." Jim utters, shaking our hands firmly. Alice quickly keeps walking around the diner.

"That's Maria and her daughter Molly, and..." She looks around for a moment after pointing to a young mother and tiny girl in the corner booth. "Her son, Ben." She continues as a young boy comes running into view from underneath a table. Both children have to be younger than eight and are playing around as if everything is normal. Maria looks right at me, and smiles.

But I see Marci and I hear Ben. My stomach drops. Benji. My kid brother playing with his goofy cat... playing Risk... reading... dying... floating.

"I-I... sorry." I manage to sputter, hopefully out loud, as my feet carry me away from the scene at record speed. I run away from the diner without Leo or Alice, and without a destination. I don't want to end up anywhere, I just want to run.

I just have to get out of here. I pass all the cottages and closed up shops. I run out of the inhabited part of town and down a random street. Tears slide down my cheeks and fly off my face as I fly across the road. It is hot and muggy and I am sweating more and more as I run. I haven't breathed since the diner. I can't breathe now. I cannot believe how out of shape and not okay I am. Once the street comes to a dead end I continue onto a dirt path. Only when I come to the sight of water do I stop.

In front of me, there is a small pond-like marsh. I am surrounded by dead trees and tall grass. The entire town of West Linn stands far behind me. There is a wooden bridge crossing the water. I walk out onto the rickety wood and sit down on the edge, dangling my feet over the side just above the water. Catching my breath and sobbing simultaneously, I hold my head up with my palms. My tears land on my bony hands and skinny legs. I can't see my reflection in the dirty water below me, and I'm glad. I don't want to see myself.

I must cry for hours. I sob and hiccup and wipe my eyes all day. When I run out of tears and energy, I lie back and let the sunlight bake me onto the bridge. I wish it would cook me right into the grooves of the wood, turn me to ash, and let me fly away in the wind. I wish the water would rise up and consume me, keeping me away from the sun forever. I never thought I would be someone who wants to die...

The next time I open my eyes, they are wet again and it is dusk. Only then, after exhausting myself with emotion and thinking about Leo being worried, I stand and start to make my way back to town. As I walk, I begin to realize how hungry I am. I guess I haven't eaten in two days... I remember, walking aimlessly down the suburban streets as I try to find one that I recognize. Once I find the main road of residents in West Linn, I know my way back to the little olive house we're going to make home. Leo is waiting on the porch steps as I approach. As soon as he sees me, he looks relieved and stands with arms opening wide. I run until I crash into him and his arms wrap around me.

"It was Benji." I say, crying into his shirt. I'm surprised I have any tears left. Leo tightens his hold around me.

"I know." He says quietly. "Come on, let's go inside."

"Don't let go." I whisper. He doesn't. I stay buried in his hug as he slowly walks me inside and puts me in our bed, where he holds me all night long.

I'm not sure if I'm more afraid offloating away without his grip, or if he is of me running away the second helets go. Maybe we're just clinging to each other for any life we have left. 

A/N- Please please please comment... We are definitely far enough into the book for you to have some thoughts! I need some discussion, people! 

Oh, and vote also, that would be great.

Til next time, Bookworms.   

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