"What was the worse thing she has done?"

He sighed, shaking his head. "She forced her brother to kill her and her unborn baby. She could not bare to birth such an abomination."

How could someone do something like that? I could never imagine Esmerelda asking someone to do that to her. Her hate for Sirus ran deep I believe but I would never think of her to do something so selfish and awful like that... "Did be treat her like he treated Esmerelda? That is why she hated him so?"

"No...he was kind...for Sirus's standards. It made no sense of why she hated him except for her well being..." he trailed off clearing his throat as a knock on the door sounded.

I grabbed at his hand, yearning to learn more. "Except for her being what?" I questioned as he pulled away from me a smirk on his lips. He always loved to test me. Never finishing statements, always teasing me so much!

Rowan slightly opened the door, enough for him to fit his head through. Of course he wouldn't not open it all the way in risk that whoever was on the other side might see me in my bed attire.

"L-Lord Rowan...it is time," a shakily voiced guard announced. Rowan quietly whispered something in his ear before slamming the door shut.

I began to get up too, dressing just as he was doing. He glanced at me, a frown on his face. The playful man that had just been taunting me was gone, replaced with what a seriousness that I had come to appreciate about Rowan. "What are you doing?"

I began to braid my hair up quickly, making sure not to leave out any stray strands. "I am preparing myself just as you are."

He sighed loudly, "You are a princess, now." I turned my back to him so that he may lace me up and that he did. "You do not need to concern yourself with these matters."

"I want to and I am," I said as I felt his lips linger on the back of my neck. "Rowan," I warned.

As soon as I warned him, a ferocious howl shook the room, ringing my ears. "I suppose that is my warning. Promise me you will cater to my wounds. I am sure to have many after this ordeal," he said dryly.

"Of course, Rowan."

We walked out of the bedroom together, towards the sounds of an irate lycan. The power and anger radiating off of Sirus in waves had me pressing into Rowan's side.

This was just to much for me to handle. I just needed to get to the bed chambers. I paused in my tracks as we approached the maybe twenty guards that were bloodied and beaten.

"I will murder all of you," the King snarled angrily, as more and more soldiers piled on top of him. Maybe of them were leaning against the walls in pain and defeat.

I had never seen King Sirus like this. His anger was usual but this...this purely heated fury. It made my stomach coil and my wolf want to submit immediately. I found myself subconsciously sinking to the floor, Rowan's arms lifting me up.

"No Chelsea," Rowan warned as my eyes met the bloodied red and silvered swirls of the King Sirus. "Cousin, calm down. You know this was to happen eventually!" Rowan snarled, as Sirus momentarily broke free, charging towards us.

I braced myself for impact, but it never came. A few guards tackled him to the ground, he roared, struggling against them. His claws were out, his teeth sinking into a guards shoulder. "Rowan, you will tell them to stop this attack, or would you like more soldiers lives to be lost?! I have already killed a dozen. My beast is hungry for more blood," he threatened as I watched blood splatter against the polished cream floors.

Rowan crouched down, grabbing at the King's chin. "Once you are down in the dungeons the only blood you will be able to reach is mine."


How's everyone school year starting off? I need answers, am I the only one annoyed that school is back?! And I have an online class this semester, already messed up a HW assignment😅

And some of you guys were wondering how many chapters and I'm pushing to fit everything in by 45. I don't want to go over that  number so let's hope and pray I get my shit together.

Anyway hope you enjoyed and yeah it was Chelsea's POV because why not???

Till next time;)

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