Chapter 20: Batman

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   Raven's POV:

  The kiss turned into more though, we were now making out.  Until I pushed him away, blushing...

"I hate you."

"I'm sorry Raven..."

"Sorry isn't good enough.  You did what you did and I don't forgive you."  I said running to my room.

I hurried getting clean clothes on and leaving everything else behind.

I rushed to the front door, where I could then finally go home, where everything would be normal.  But Jay was there, dressed normally, with a hoodie and jeans.

"Before you go, there's something else you need to know."

"What?" I asked blankly.

"Your friends are falling apart without you, and today Robin left to work with Slade."

"Slade?!  Where can I find Robin?"

"He's probably about to invade another Wayne Enterprises building, he's been attacking them.  There's one just north of here, I can take you there if you want-"

I interrupted him, "I can handle it myself."

I glared at him only to see that he was, sad.  That still doesn't change what he did, but it was nice while it lasted...

"And Jay?"


"Thanks...  For telling me about Robin..." I said nervously.

He stared at me, looking kind of confused.  I put my hood up and headed north, flying as fast as I could.

Robin's POV:

Slade keeps making me attack Wayne Enterprises... That can't be good, now I'm going to one in Gotham, really not good. But what am I supposed to tell him?

If I even try to get out of it he'll punish me and let alone, ask me why. I want to avoid that at all costs, but I also want to avoid 'him' at all costs too.

I just hope he doesn't say my real name, Slade will hear it. Maybe that's his plan, but like I said, this is for Raven. I'll save her at any costs...

And I mean all costs.

I made it to the Wayne Enterprise building, wish I took more time getting here... Time to cause some chaos.

Raven's POV:

Good thing it's easy to spot the building from a mile away. I probably was a mile away from it.

All the sudden, the building was exploding!


I flew as fast as I could. But someone got there sooner...

A dark figure who could also fly, flew into the building, I gotta get there, fast! I made a portal which could hopefully get me there quickly. I walked through and found myself on top of the building.

I fazed through the ceiling, and started getting people out of the building and safely out of the way.

However, on the 5th floor down, I found Robin! He's seen better days, what happened to him... I sensed someone else nearby.

"Who are you?!" I turned around with glowing white eyes, ready to attack.

No reply.

"Stay away from me and Robin!" I yelled.

It was that same dark figure that I saw earlier!

"Step into the light so I can see you coward."

The figure slowly walked into the light, I'd recognize that costume from anywhere. He was Batman!!!

"Step away from Robin." He said firmly.

"No this is all a huge misunderstanding and well, it's completely my fault..."

The building was falling apart...

"Get out of here!!" He yelled.

"No! You get Robin out of here, I'll get the building."

He looked at me confused, but he grabbed Robin and left quickly.

"Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" I yelled as my powers went around the whole upper part of the collapsing building.

I held it up and repaired it, almost fully fixing the building. After it was stable, I let it go, but wow what a headache. I fell to the floor, exhausted.

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