Chapter 9: X

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Raven's POV:

It's been almost a full day since, the kiss....  And I haven't really talked to anybody today...  Except Star to kinda help her get that it meant nothing and to apologize. 

But anyway, I've been thinking about apologizing to Robin and explain my actions, and just try to talk because it's been really difficult to do anything lately.  I know it's not gonna be easy but I got myself in this mess, it's my fault.

  Night fall comes very soon, and I plan to go to Robin's room...  Not like that of course!!!  Ughhhhh...  That damned kiss...  I mean, why me?  Can't it be some other teenage girl out there?

When the clock reached ten o'clock, I decided to finally just do it, I opened my door and looked around first, after it was clear, I slowly made my way to Robin's room. 

Before I knew it I was in front of his door,  I was scared but, I was there, I couldn't just stop and turn back, so I knocked... -knock knock- 

"Starfire go away!  I told you I don't wanna-"

"Ummm actually it's not Starfire..."

It took a good minute but he finally opened the door, well slightly.

"I came here to say, I'm sorry, this was all my fault I should of just told you what was going on..."

"It's not your fault."

"Yes. It is. And I was being stupid."

"I'm sorry too."


Suddenly, I see a dark shadow fly across the window! 

"Something's outside."


"Someone's outside!"

Suddenly, the dark figure smashed through the window, causing the towers alarm to go off. 

"Hey Rae, miss me?" The figure said as he stood up.

"Red-X" I said with a snarl.

"Yours truly"

"Why have you invaded us?!" Robin growled.

"Well, I've noticed something recently, and basically, you Robin, can have Starfire."

"What does that mean?" I questioned.

"It means, I found someone I want more... You."

I was trying not too, but I was totally blushing...

"Step away!" Robin intercepted.

The rest of the team was there now, all very confused.

"Everyone! Protect Raven! Titans, go!"

They start to attack, but for some reason I couldn't use my powers... This can't end well, Red X knows us well, without all of us he can easily take us down. So, I started to run.

I ran to my room, locking the door, and taking a deep breath... However, maybe it wasn't the best idea to run, because he smashed through my window! He landed on me, and he had me pinned down.

"Surprised?!" he laughed, "Well sorry I have to do this..."

He punched me, knocking me out cold.

Robin's POV:

"Hurry! I bet she ran to her room!"

We were all going as fast as we could, when we got there, her door was locked.


"I'm on it."

Cyborg blasted through the door, but when we ran in, nobody was there... However, the window was shattered, and Raven's communicator was on the ground.

"She's gone." I muttered.

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