Chapter 17: Teen Titans No More

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   Robin's POV:

  What have I done?  It's been two weeks, and she's still gone, our team is falling apart out there without her too...  And we're also falling apart inside too.

Everyone's blaming each other, it's like we're not a team anymore.  We need to find her...

   Raven's POV:

  It's been awhile now at Red X's, and believe it or not, me and him, are actually kind of...  Friends...  We haven't talked about my incident on my first day here, and everything's been normal...  I'm worried though, when do we go out???  What'll happen when we do go out, will the titans show up?

I walk out to the main room to find Red X there,

"Hey, good morning princess." He chuckled.

"Will you ever stop?" I rolled my eyes smiling.

"Well I've been wondering, you've been here for a week now, so, you can call me Jay."

Jay?  Was that his real name?

"Oh...  Um okay, Jay."  Kinda has a ring to it...

"It's not my full name if you're wondering, just thought it'd be better."

It was nice, knowing his face and now knowing a name I can call that face.


It was still weird though, I can't really tell what he's expressing, his mask covers his whole face, guess that's kinda the point though, huh?

"So... We haven't really done anything besides hang out?" I say nervously chuckling, "When do we go out?"

"Well first I'd like to train you, and then we wait." He said laughing at me...

"Wait for what???"

"The right moment, whenever the titans are distracted, or occupied."

"Well then, when do we start training?"


I had to ask... I've got a bad feeling about this.

   Robin's POV:

  "The city is slowly falling apart." I stated.

I called for a Titans Meeting, we need Raven back.

"Well maybe things would be better if wasn't for Starfire always falling on top of me!" Beast Boy said.

"It is not my fault you're always laying around doing nothing while I'm at least trying!" Starfire replied.

"Hey Beast Boy doesn't do that!"  Cyborg jumped in...

Soon they were all fighting...

"Stop!" I shouted, which thankfully shut them up, "We need Raven back."

"Well maybe she would still be here if you hadn't of ran her off!" Beast Boy yelled.

"What!?  It was her choice to leave.  And we need her back, desperately!"  I said angrily.

"Raven wouldn't just leave us though.  We're her most trusted friends."
Starfire noted.

"She had troubles with her powers lately, and she thought that Red X could help her more than us..."

"That's insane?"  Beast Boy denied.

"Yes, but as her friends, we should help her." 

"How are we gonna find her, it's been two weeks and for all we know, she could be... Dead..." Cyborg said hesitantly.

"Raven doesn't die easy.  However, we've been sitting arguing while Raven could stuck be in a really bad situation!"

"She's left us, Robin...  She never was good at being a good guy, her father is Trigon. She left us all, and face it, she left you."  Starfire muttered.

"She's still our friend..." I growled, beating my fist down on the table...

Nobody said anything, like they've just given up!

"Fine then I guess I'll have to find her myself!"  I slammed my communicator and locator on the table.

"Robin! Please, wait! Where are you going?!" Starfire asked, scared.

I didn't say a word and I rushed to my room, gathered everything I would need, and left through a window.

This isn't going to be easy.

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