Chapter 7: Stopping the Show

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Raven's POV:

Starfire and me have seemed to have lost it, but we both don't know what we're feeling...

"Hahahaha!!!" Control Freak laughs, "And what about you Robin?!"

Robin sits there for a second, which scared me...

"I feel the same way she does."

For some reason his words pierced right through me... In a calm way. 

What did he mean???  Sure I just said I didn't but I do respect him...  But then I thought about it...  He's trying to stop the show! 

"Ugh well since Robin's being boring we got another question for Raven!"  Control Freak says, "This questions from Sandy from Gotham, and she asks 'Would you rather go on a date with Beast Boy or Robin?!'"

"Neither." I say with a smirk.

While Beast Boys dying, Robin was also smirking, we were going to stop the show!  Or at least we thought...

"Oh enough of this!" Control freak sneers.

He begins to press buttons on his controller causing me and Robin to fall down another trap door, knocking us unconscious, again. 

   Robin's POV: 

I wake up again, "Dammit, just as we were about to stop it..."

I look up to notice everything the same, except now there's a cage around us???  We're already tied up why do we need a cage?

The tv turned on again and everything was the same, the only thing different was the cage, what is he planning?  For me and Raven to fight???

   Raven's POV: 

I wake up again.  Great now there's a cage...

"Are we animals now?" I ask sarcastically.

"Well...  Pretty much." Control Freak laughs.

"What are you planning?" Robin insists.

"Oh what a lovely question, I'm so glad you ask." He says maniacally. 

Ugh this can't be good...

"I'll let you all go back to your tower, if and only if,"

He lets me and robin out of our chairs.

"Raven and Robin kiss!!!"

"What!?" I scream out.

You've got to be kidding me!! 

"Why do you want us to kiss anyway?!"

"Because then Starfire can be mine!"

"How can we trust you?!" Robin says.

"You have my word, but it can't be a peck or you'll have to kiss again!!"

Starfire is dying, Beast Boy is dying, everyone is dying, in fact they're not even looking, except Control Freak...

I hate to admit it but I wish we could just get it over with...  So I look over and before I can comprehend how close he is to me...

Robin pulled me in, and kissed me.

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