Chapter 2

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Mrs. Slater analysed Tiana and I with an ominous expression. That lady could do some serious staring. I was sure in her time she would've been the one to win all the staring contests. Those stony grey eyes could make anyone melt. Even the copious glasses with the thick black frame failed to hide their ferociousness. She kept inspecting me silently. Was it a staring contest? If that's what she wanted, fine with me. I had won a lot staring contests myself. I know that doesn't sound very modest but everyone knew Chas was a badass when it came to staring contests. Hell, I had even beat Zack and let me tell you Zack was good. I wondered what the winner would get in case I won against Mrs. Slater.

Mrs. Slater sighed disappointed, "I thought this time it would've been different. I gave you a chance to improve but you carelessly threw it away."

Couldn't she get over with the lecture part and tell me I was being kicked out of the school? I guessed not from the tone of her voice. I was in for a long one. I looked at Tiana who was avoiding Mrs. Slater and looking down at floor with a guilty expression on her face. I shouldn't have involved Tiana in my plan. She was in a mess because of me.

"You have heartlessly destroyed school property, humiliated Mr. Kingsley publicly and endangered the lives of students and teachers alike."

Endangered lives of students and teachers alike? Seriously? She was talking as if it was a case of national security. Did I unleash something evil? They were harmless funny pranks. Mr. Kingsley's photo was hilarious; I was sure Mrs. Slater laughed at it as well.

"Endangered lives?" It spilled out of my mouth before I could stop myself. I didn't intend to argue with Mrs. Slater as it would've stretched the lecture longer.

"The strings you had stretched wall to wall Miss Lane? Do you know the number of people who tripped and fell down because of them? Someone could've been seriously injured." She shook her head unbelievingly.

"We're extremely sorry for all the inconvenience caused," Tiana spoke up.

"Sorry is not enough," Mrs. Slater snapped. "I never expected any of this from you Tiana. I thought you were a sincere student."

Hey, just because I played pranks didn't mean I wasn't a sincere student. I got a B+ in the surprise Maths test while others in my class had barely passed. Okay, I know it was mainly due to Eric, my boyfriend's help because he had tutored me. My mother had threatened to break all my vinyl records if I scored badly in Maths, so I had to take Eric's help. Having a nerd as a boyfriend really helps at times. He was a really nice guy and a straight A+ student. He was also not scared of me which was another plus point. What could I say, had always believed in using my fists more than words during fights.

"But you proved me wrong," Mrs. Slater sighed again. "Both of you managed to create a fine ruckus in school this morning. And Chas should I talk about the answers you wrote in the general knowledge quiz? I have called your parents and your guardians, Miss Cameron which are Mr. and Mrs. Lane. They are on their way."

If Mrs. Slater mentioned even one answer out of my General knowledge quiz in front of my parents I was going to be dead.

"I'm suspending both of you for two weeks. You cannot enter the school premises during this time and you have to pay in full for the destruction caused in the school's computer lab."

"Suspended for two weeks?" I asked amazed.

I thought the pranks I had played were enough to get kicked out of the school. It was obvious Mrs. Slater thought otherwise.

"Yes Miss. Lane, that is a very mild punishment considering how you behaved today," Mrs. Slater said misunderstanding me.

I was going to argue against what she had said but I didn't get a chance as the door of her office was flung wide open at that exact moment and at the door stood my beloved mother and father. My mother was looking at me with narrowed eyes that clearly said, 'What have you done this time Chastity?' My father's face however, looked amused as if all that provided him with great entertainment. Mother always said I was like him and she didn't say it in a nice way.

"I apologise immensely for what Chas has done this time," my mother said sadly.

"I was just expecting you. Why don't you come and sit?" Mrs. Slater motioned towards the chairs next to Tiana and I.

"Good morning Mrs. Slater," my father smiled at the principal as if he was meeting her in a party and not at school in her office nonetheless. Had I mentioned how I loved my father?

"There's nothing good about this morning I'm afraid," Mrs. Slater said gravely. "Chastity and Tiana created a quite a commotion in the school."

"Tiana?" mother asked puzzled as if she heard the wrong thing.

"Yes Mrs. Lane, Tiana was involved as well. Chastity, why don't you tell your mother about what you did?" Mrs. Slater said evenly.

That was an uncomfortable situation. Putting on a solemn face I told my mother and father about my epic pranks. When I finished she gasped and my father quickly turned his laughter into cough after getting a stern whack on his thigh by my mother. He always laughed on my pranks because he knew they were a riot.

"How can you act like a complete banshee?" my mother demanded angrily. "You stuck the computers mouse on the table with glue?"

"Computers mice you know plural of mouse is mice," I finished lamely.

"And that's not all what she did," Mrs. Slater said grimly.

Oh no, it wasn't looking good. Was she going to narrate my test answers to my parents? She couldn't do that. Could she? My father always laughed when I performed pranks but studies, he always took them seriously.

"Two days ago there had been a General Knowledge test which was conducted to check the students' knowledge about things in general. Do you want to know what Chastity's answers were to some questions?" Mrs. Slater seemed disgusted.

Say no! Please say no!

"Yes," my mother said.

Mrs. Slater took out my paper from a green file placed on her table. "I'm reading out some of the questions and answers. Question five was 'What is Nitrate?' to which Chastity answered 'Cheaper than day rate. Question two- how can you delay milk turning sour? The answer given by her is, 'leave it in the cow'. Question eight- what is Terminal Illness? Answer given was 'When you get sick at the airport'. There was a question where students had to write the full form of CO2 and H2O. Chastity's answer was, CO2 is cold water and H2O is hot water. Another question asked students to explain what Hard Water is, to which Chastity answered in one word 'Ice'. Question ten- who was Julius Caesar? Answer given by Chastity, 'While dying he gasped out Tee Hee Brutus!"

"Chastity Lane!" my father said in threatening voice, "Would you care to explain what is all this?"

My mother was throwing daggers at me looking very intimidating so all I replied with was, "Uh...I thought these were the real answers."

Mrs. Slater announced the punishment which she thought was apt for us.

"No," my mother said through gritted teeth, "This punishment is very small for them."

"I have to agree with you here," my father nodded.

"I'm sending them off to a boarding school," mother said firmly.


Author's note: I know this chapter was short because I wanted only the confrontation with the principal to be in this chapter. Hope you guys find the answers written by Chas in the test funny. Have you ever written funny answers in a test paper? If yes tell me some of them :D

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