\We pulled up next to the giant building of the posh hotel our school had rented. (The girls had protested against using the sweaty gym). I felt nervousness and excitement whirl inside me. I wiped my hands across my trousers again before opening her door for her and taking her hand.

"You ready?" I asked quietly, looking softly into her huge chocolate brown eyes. I was implying the red carpet walkway that lead into the hotel. People with all sorts of cameras were perched everwhere, making it feel like a Hollywood walk way.

She nodded, and we fell in step behind Josh with Liz and Kyle with Katelyn.

People 'ooh'ed and 'ahh'ed at us, cameras clicking as fast as my racing heartbeat. I felt like proudly shouting 'thats my girl!'. I felt honored just to be her date, her boyfriend. Hopefully we could be more.

Her dress flowed out as she walked, I was dazzled at how gracefull she walked. I pushed the door open for her as we stepped into the fancy lobby of the hotel. The red carpet was leading towards closed doors where the dance would be held. Countless light blue decorations hung every where to match the theme of the Prom. Blue glitter was sprinkled across the floor.

I pulled her close, and stopped beside her for a quick photo. I drew my hand across her waist and kissed her cheek. One of the most amazing things about my girl is that she didn't mind being in pictures. The blinding flash of the camera blinded me for a second, I blinked. Sophie was staring wide eyed at the marble entrance. We continued down the red carpet towards the pounding music.

We pushed through the large oak doors, and this giant room did not match the entrance at all. The room was dark, with lights spinning patterens on the wall. A disco ball glittered aboce it all, spinning to the beat of the fast pace music. I guess the romantic songs were coming later.

"Wanna dance?" Sophie asked, her eyes wide at the venue.

"Sure." I replied, shrugging. I was up to anything that meant being close to her.

She smiled and grabbed my wrist, leaving me stumbling behind her. She stopped around where her friends were, each of them dancing with their dates slightly distanced from the other girls.

Sophie immediatly got into the beat of the song. She put her hands in the air as she swerved her hips. Damn that girl was hot.

"Comon babe!" She shouted over the loud music. "Dance with me!"

I smiled, and tried to dance along, but dancing isn't really... my thing.

She laughed at my horrible attempts of dancing along, and I ended up just putting my hands on her hips and watching her dance.

The song trailed off. Leaving the room quiet. Then a loud screech of a microphone sounded through the speakers.

"Heey party people!" The DJ boomed into the mic. "We're gonna slow it dooooown. So grab that special someone."

I smiled widely as I pulled my girl closer to me.

Finaly, Prom can officialy start.

*****Evan's P.O.V*****

"Sophie, listen. I'm really sorry. That..... That was a little too far. Since you've got..... your boyfriend and all. Please call me. Bye" I pressed the end button on my phone, the recent famillairity of rejection running throguh me. I resisted the too-strong urge to chuck it at the TV infront of me.

I groaned and sat down on the couch, gripping my hair in my hands and propped my head on my elbows. That had been my 17th voicemail today, not a single call had been returned or answered, I felt over the top needy, I've never done this before! I didn't expect her to answer, she had a boyfriend for god's sake! And I had to kiss her, which immediatly built her walls back up against me. Couldn't she tell that she was killing me inside?!

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