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Welcome to my book!

Some notes before you read:

1. This book is inspired by someone extremely close to me. Some of the events and people in this book are real and have only given permission to me to write about them. With that being said....

2. Please do not steal this book and post it anywhere else without my permission. If you steal this book you will not only be stealing from me, but also the people I had to get permission from to write about. If you happen to see this book anywhere else or posted by anyone besides me, please report it. I do not tolerate plagiarism, and will not be afraid to report you or even take you to court.

3. This book has not been edited. It is a rough draft and has many grammar or spelling mistakes. You may comment if I have a mistake, but please be respectful. Remember your words can hurt.

4. There should be NO TRANSLATIONS of this book without my consent. If you translate this book without my permission I will have to report you for plagiarism.

5. Lastly, I do not own pictures that are used and the name of any real life stores, movies, books, or television stores. All rights go to the owner of those pictures and names. 


Anastasia Michelson has been through a lot in her life. She now has to see a therapist who believes it will be best if she retells her past in a blog. Her therapist believes that writing about her feelings will help her forgive those who left her heart broken, alone, and lost in this world. Follow Anastasia as she retells a tale about an old high school boyfriend who did more than break her heart. Follow her as she revisit her childhood and the pain her mother caused her. Lastly follow her through the present day as she talks about her life now as a twenty three year old who gets a chance to start over in Georgia with her best friend. Her once lonely road might not be so lonely anymore.

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