Blog 11

22 1 0

Dear Beautiful Readers,

Today I have one last appointment with Rebecca before I leave for Georgia. I am scared as hell, but it's about time I get out of this town. My dad wants to have a going away party, but I don't see the point. Sara is coming with me, I haven't seen my brother in a year, and Logan lives in Georgia. Nobody important is going to miss me besides him and as much as I love him, I need to get away. I am ready to leave the nest and never look back.


The sound of chatter wakes me from my deep sleep. I flutter my eyes open quickly and take in my surroundings. Logan, Dylan and Jack are standing in the corner of my room discussing something quietly. Curiosity gets the best of me, so I lay back down and pretend to be asleep. A voice whispers quietly into my ear.

"You know it's rude to eavesdrop," he softly murmured.

I flip myself over to find Caleb's bright blues staring into my dull greys. The event from last night flashed quickly in my head. Yesterday, was my last day of junior year, and my dad decided throw my friends and I a big summer bash. The gesture was sweet, but the last thing I wanted to do was spend time with a drunk Caleb. However, instead of being violent he was actually almost baby like last night. He just wanted to be loved and held onto and i'm not going to lie it creeped me out. It's totally out of his character.

"You do know that both of you were eavesdropping right? Were not stupid," Dylan laughed.

Caleb and I snapped our heads to the group of three. My face flushed red at being caught. Dylan chuckled again and motioned for Caleb to follow him. Caleb slipped out of the bed and followed closed behind Dylan and Jack. Once the boys have successfully left the room, Logan rushed over to me.

"Do you know what today is," she questioned quickly.

I thought about it but came up short. I mean yesterday was our last day of school, so today is the start of summer. What's so special about that? I looked up at her and shrugged my shoulders. Her face morphed into shock like she couldn't believe I didn't know what today was.

"Prom," she shouted! My face lit up in excitement and I threw the covers off of my body.

Logan and I hurried downstairs to start of first activity of the day. Breakfast. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed some eggs and bacon. Dad turned on the stove and started cooking the bacon for me. We all know that I will burn it and burnt bacon is not good bacon. Dylan grabs four glasses and pours milk into two of them and lemonade into the other two.

"Where are the boys?" I question to Dylan.

"I sent them home, but Caleb said he will be back around seven," Dylan answered.

"Who are you taking to prom? You are a senior after all and this is your last prom" I question while cooking the eggs.

"I was thinking about going stag. Britt asked me to go with her, but I care about my relationship with you more than a one time shag."

I looked at Logan. I was hoping she would speak up about having nobody to go with, but she just sipped her milk in silence. I know she likes him and I know she is scared she will end up like all of his other girls, but she needs to just go for it. My brother wouldn't hurt her. I hope.

"Breakfast is ready kiddos," my father said breaking the awkward silence around us.

After breakfast Logan and I went upstairs to do our nails and toes. I rummaged through my drawers trying to find the perfect shade of silver to go on my nails and toes. Finally finding the bottle I was looking for I took a seat on my floor with Logan. We spent an hour gossiping and laughing. When we finally finished our nails and toes we decided to take a small break. At this time we are sprawled out on my bed.

Lonely Road (being rewritten)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant