Blog 2

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Hello Beautiful Readers,

I still don't know if this is a blog or a diary so I am just going to call all of you my beautiful readers. Does anybody really read this or am I just venting to nobody? It's not like I really have a choice if i'm venting to nobody or not, because my therapist would kill me if I didn't do this. She says I have made some amazing progress since the first meeting we ever had, but I still have a lot of anger built up in me. I hope that writing out everything that has happened to me will help release some of my anger. Has anyone had a friend who has taken the boy you like away from you? If you have, well, I am glad that we have something in common.

Last blog post I told ya'll about how my best friend Brittney started dating Chandler. She threw me that lame excuse of an apology, but that is when I met him. The boy with the blonde hair and the piercing blue eyes. He changed my life forever and I believe that is why I have so much resentment inside of me, because at one point in time I trusted him, but not anymore. Here is the story of me and the blue eyed boy.


As I was watching the way Chandler held onto Brittney, I never noticed the presence of a man standing next to me. At least not until he whispered into my ear, "Don't you know, it's not nice to stare." The sudden presence of a new person made me jump and turn to the voice.

In front of me stood a young man with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. "I wasn't staring," I grumbled. Obviously I was lying because I couldn't tear my eyes away from the scene that was unfolding in front of me. Brittney had her fingers in Chandler's hair and her lips were attacking his lips viciously. I wanted to vomit at the scene but at the same time I couldn't turn around.

"You know you are so much more beautiful than she is," a soft voice whispered from beside me. I looked up at the boy and I swear I could feel my cheeks heat up. There was no point in hiding the fact that he just made me blush fifty shades of red. "My name is Caleb," the boy said. He held out his hand in front of me and I eyed it cautiously.

I grabbed his hand and shook it. "Anastasia but you can call me Ana," I shouted over the music that was booming in the living room. I don't know why but the way he was looking at me sent tingles all through out my body. Especially when he grabbed my hand and dragged me through the maze of sweaty bodies and out the back doors of Brittney's house. I don't know why he brought me outside but sitting next to him in silence isn't as uncomfortable as it should be. It was nice being able to hear my own thoughts instead of loud electronic dance music.

After some time, Caleb finally spoke up and talked to me. "What is a girl like you doing at a party like this," he questioned out of curiosity. Should I tell him? I don't even know this guy but I feel like I can trust him. He just gives off that vibe but little did I know that it was all apart of his act.

"My best friend threw this party for me," I looked down at the ground before taking in a deep breath. "She thought that throwing me a party would make up for the fact that she started dating the guy I liked," I chuckled out. Caleb's face was blank for a second before he gave me an apologetic smile, but he never said anything. I don't want him to feel sorry for me, I hate it when people pity me.

Caleb finally spoke after several minutes of silence. "Fuck her then, actually fuck both of them," he fumes. "Neither one of them deserve you! Listen Anastasia, I know I haven't known you for long but trust me nobody deserves to be treated like that by a friend," says Caleb out of anger. He looked like he was about to walk back into that party and yank out Brittney's hair extensions. Wouldn't that be a sight to see.

For the next hour Caleb and I talked about anything and everything. I learned that he is actually three years older than me, so he is 19 years old. He has two other brothers, and they are triplets, but only him and Jack look similar. Caleb lives with his mother and doesn't really get to see his father due to the fact that he is a successful businessman. The last thing that I learned is that unfortunately he is a ladies man, sleeping with a whopping total of nine girls so far this year. I didn't judge him, because why would I?

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