Section 1: Blog 1

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Dear Diary?

Dear Blog?

     Are you a diary or are you a blog? I honestly don't know nor do I really care. The reason I am starting this blog is because my therapist thinks it will be the best way for me to release some of my so called anger. She thinks I have built up all this anger for the past seven years of my life, why you ask? Maybe I punched a wall, maybe that wall was a person and now that person has a broken jaw, but I swear I didn't punch him because of all of this built up anger. I punched him because he reminds me of someone who did some horrible things to innocent people. Right now, I'm not going to get into that. Maybe another day.

     Well, welcome to my blog. I don't really know what to write so let's start off with some basics about who I am and why I see a therapist. My name is Anastasia Michelson but you can call me Ana. I live with my father and technically my mother but she is never around or if she is home then she is focused on her work. I have an older brother but after a little incident we aren't very close anymore. As of right now I have three best friends that I can trust, but at one point in time I use to have more. As you can probably guess that is also a different story for a different day.

     So I am assuming you want to know why I see a therapist. It all started in my Junior year of high school. I had choppy brown hair and big grey eyes that I often hid under big round glasses that made me look like an old grandma. No boy wanted to date me, but they all wanted to date my cheerleader best friend. She had the perfect body matched with the sickeningly sweet attitude plus blonde hair and big baby blues, what more could a guy ask for?  Well lucky for her, because she was dating not only the guy I have been crushing on since the start of high school, but one of the hottest boys at school. His name is Chandler Walker, most of his friends call him Chan but the students of our school call him Sir Walker. It sounds crazy, trust me I know. Brittney, Chandler's girlfriend and my best friend, decided to throw me a party as an apology for stealing the one guy I wanted. That night was when my life started to turn upside down.

     It was two hours before the party and I was just starting to get ready. I hopped into the shower real quick before changing into a tight strapless midnight blue dress. the dress hugged my body in all of the wrong places, but I needed to prove a point. I needed to show my classmates that I can be just as pretty as Brittney. As my hair was drying, I threw on my party makeup which included a simple smokey eye and dark red lipstick. I pray that it looks decent. Usually I don't mess with my make up, and just go for the all natural route. I pulled out my flat iron and made sure my hair was pin straight. Slowly throwing on my silver studded heels, I looked at myself in the mirror. The girl staring back at me wasn't the same girl who usually hides in the mirror before school. This new girl wore tight dresses, tons of makeup that hides behind her glasses, and has a bad attitude that radiates off of her.

     At the party I lingered in the back, and sipped on the nasty beer that was in my cup. I really didn't want to dance with anybody and I really wasn't enjoying this party either. This party wasn't for me, and we all know it. This party is an excuse for Brittney to show off her new man candy to everyone and make sure all of the girls know he is off limits. She was doing a pretty good job of keeping the girls away from him, which is very hard to do.

     Brittney had on a tight black dress that barely covered her ass and she was grinding all over Chandler. He was rocking a tight white v-neck and jeans that hung perfectly on his hips. His hands were holding her waist close to his junk as she grind her ass up and down his front. I couldn't look away from the scene that was unfolding right in front of me; why couldn't that be me? As I was watching the way Chandler held onto Brittney, I never noticed the presence of a man standing next to me. At least not until he whispered into my ear "Don't you know, it's not nice to stare." The sudden presence of a new person made me jump and turn to the voice. In front of me stood a young man with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. In that moment I did not know that this one person would change my life forever.

Goodbye for now,

Ana Michelson


Good Morning! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of Lonely Road.

Few things to know about this book:

1. Contains Sexual Assault, Drugs and Alcohol, Sex, and abuse

2. I do not promote self harm or domestic abuse

3. This book will be split up into three sections and is written all in blog form

4. Do not copy or translate this book without my permission

5. I hope you all enjoy

*This chapter has been edited* 

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