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"Can you go over the plan one more time?" A lower ranked soldier asked.

My general sighed. "Were are going to do a raid on the alteans. They will think we are getting rid of some of their supplies, but actually, we are aiming for their sharpshooter, the prince of altea." 

I step up and speak. "The lower ranks will head in, the prince will be shooting from up above. So while he's focused being a sniper, I will find him and take him out."

My generals voice fills the room. "We can assume that he isn't very good at close range fighting since he's never on the battlefield with his sister."  He holds up his hand. "We only have one shot at this, I don't expect failure. If this goes as planned, we will finally have a huge lead on the alteans and possibly finish this war once and for all."

Everyone roared in excitement. I clapped along with the others. All I had to do was kill him, not that I wanted to kill the prince, but if that's what ended the war, so be it.

"Head back to the courters we attack tomorrow!" 

"Vrepit sa!" They scream in unison. It was going to be a long night.


"Father!" I yell running towards him. A smile was plastered on my face. "How's the weapon going?" I clasp my hands together, begging for information.

"We actually have one more to go." Father goes for his beard and messes with it, he seems to be worrying about something.

"What is the matter father?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well the four that we have created, haven't let anyone pilot them."

My mouth drops in shock. "Wait you mean they pick their pilot?" I squeeze my eyes shut and jump. "That's so cool!"

"Yes well, they need to be less picky. We want to use Voltron in the war."


"Yes that is the name of all the five lions combined."

"Wait they combine? Like a fusion?"

"Yes, all five parts work together as a team and get the job done."

"Can I see the four that you have finished?" I beg.

Father laughs. "Well since you're so intrigued by them I can't see why not."

"Yes!" I scream.


"Keith?" Thace asks me.

"Hmm?" I look up and meet his glowing eyes.

"You okay?" He places a hand on my shoulder. "You aren't worried about tomorrow are you?"

"No sir."

He hits my back hard. "That's what I like to hear." He starts to leave the room. "Oh you should probably get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow."

"Yea, you're right." I wish I didn't have to do this. I haven't even done anything to the prince yet and I already feel guilty.

My head hits my hands. "Ugh, why am I like this." I whisper.

I wish I could worry myself to sleep.


We stand in front a locked door. Father pulls out a key. "Are you ready Lance?"

"Oh yeah!" I yell and father puts a finger to my lips.

"We aren't supposed to be down here so we got to be quiet, understand?"

I nod as a response. Carefully he unlocks the door, checks the area one more time and heads in.

The lights turn on one by one and the lions start to become visible. There was red, blue, yellow, and green.

"Woah." I start to walk up to them. Then a weird warm feeling covers my body. It almost sounded like purring. I turn to the direction of the blue lion and see it's eyes had lit up.

"Go son!" I face father and see his pride coming off of him.

"Are you sure father?" I ask, knowing my piloting skills were average at best. "Wouldn't Allura be more suited for this?"

"Son, the lion chose you, you must go to it." He smiles fondly. I give him a thumbs up and head towards the blue lion.

When I get in front of her, she roars signaling she's found her pilot. She leans down and opens her mouth telling me to come in, I do as I am told.

I take a seat in the chair, and everything activates.

"Holy quiznak." I whisper. I brush my fingers over the handles. "I wish I could fly you right now, but the galra can't know you exist yet." I sigh. "Plus we still need my father to finish that other lion and find pilots for the other lions."

Blue seemed sad that I didn't get to fly her, but she understood the circumstances of the situation.

"Bye for now blue." She purrs in response.

"So how was it?" My dad greets me outside of blue.

"It was great! I can't wait to pilot her." He nods. "Um father, are you going to tell anyone?"

"I'll have to, knowing the blue pilot may help us know the other pilots of the lions."

"Okay, I understand father." I respond almost robotically.

"Get some sleep Lance, it's been a long day for you."

"Yea, your right."

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