I walked over to the window and cracked it open as I looked over at the pool where the women were.

Julie had returned a bit groggy and wasted to the ladies. She was now lounging on a beach chair with glasses over her eyes. She was probably sleeping. The others were on either side of her talking except for Dyan who was in the pool. She did a few backstrokes in the water before diving under and she swam up her head popping out of the water.

She leaned back in the water, floating and the sun shone on her, glistening on the droplets on her breasts. Damn she looked so sexy.


'I'm in," Scott said as the windows start menu popped up.

I took my seat leaving the window and entered the desktop. I searched the device for Dyan Ryder but came up empty. I grunted in frustration. I search instead for Richards and a file entitled 'specimen 072421' popped up.

I sent it to my phone and clicked search again. What would he put Dyan's information under? If not Dyan Ryder what els–

A thought came to me and I typed in Dyan Winchester. Several files popped onto the screen and I grin in triumph. I send them to the phone to be opened later. I watched the files load and I moved my leg around impatiently.

I needed to get out of here quickly.

Ring, ring.

The sound of the landline phone ringing caught my attention and I froze momentarily. I ran to the window and watched as Dyan rose from the water, grabbing a towel wrapped it around her and ran into the house.


I ran back to the computer watching the files load onto my device. I went still as I hear footsteps approaching here from the hall.

No time to get it all. Have to work with what I got.

I pulled out the drive, closed the windows I had up and turned off the computer shutting it down. I ran over to the door and the footsteps were getting louder. I flipped the switch and ran back to the desk crouching down and placing myself under it.

The door opened and the light was flicked on.

"I don't see anyone in here or on the way up," said Dyan.

She went silent for a while probably listening to whoever was on the phone.

"Nicalus the office is empty," she stated getting irritated. "Fine, I'll check your damn computer."

I shuffled back as she came and sat in the chair her feet a small distance away from me.

I stared at her legs, they were smooth, golden and small water droplets covered them. As the light from the bulb touched the droplets, they reflect it causing me to stare at her legs in admiration as they sparkled.

I wanted to feel those thick, powerful legs around me as I drove into her wet cunt. I craved her, I wanted to know how she felt inside.

"Nicalus the computer was off and its code protection is on," she stated as she crossed her legs and I gulped in arousal.

I loved thick thighs.

"Yes I'm sure," she sighed. "Yes, I have taken the required medication. I'm fine."

Yes, what were they for?

"No I haven't started my classes, I'm waiting until my husband is here to take me to those salsa classes," she replied to something he said. "You're what?! You can't be away for so long and reappear the day before Christmas. Nicalus I know your mistress in London needs you but remember I am your wife to be and I'm doing this for you."

For him? She knows he had a mistress and still wants to marry him? What kind of scam was this?

"Fine, you can take your bloody apology and push it up your arse! I'll keep on your little pretence down here while you screw your dirty wrench till Christmas!" I heard a beep as she ended the call and a crash as she flung it on the wall.

"Fucking wazzock!" she cursed. "Now, I have to go to that damn class by myself... Unless..."

She shot from the chair, I heard the door close as the light was flicked off and I breathed out a sigh of relief.

I climbed out from under the desk and made my way to the door. I opened it a little peeking out and noticing the hall is clear I exited the room.


"Troy," I heard Dyan call as I attempted to exit the house through the front doors.

I turned on my heel. "Yes, Ms. Ryder?"

I couldn't hide the venom in my voice and she winced noticing it.

"It's Dyan and I'm sorry," she began. "Please forgive me; I was being a real bitch."

She pouted and my eyes ran from her lips to her curvy body covered by a skimpy two-piece bikini.

I gulped. Damn my hormones. "Sure, you're forgiven, Cupcake."

My eyes trailed up to her face and she smiled knowingly.

"Good, um. I have some salsa classes to attend for the next five days leading up to Christmas and I was wondering if you could be my partner?"

The agent in me was saying no. Being so close to Dyan would end in me doing something that might mess up my mission. Something else inside of me was saying this might be the closest I could get to her without getting too close.

You can guess which me I listened to, cause let's be honest I never really listen to agent me.

"I'll be honoured to be your partner."

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