Chapter 13

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"Troy! Come on, please!"

"No not happening."



"Please... PLE– !"

"Fine!" I yelled as my hand slapped over Ethan's mouth, silencing him.

I removed my hand and he smiled in satisfaction.

"Great work!" said Dyan – who was in the front seat – as she gave Ethan a high-five.

Ethan returned the gesture and looked at her smiling like she was his dream come true. I grimaced, pushing him back into his seat with my free hand and then made a U-turn.

I drove down Lincoln Street, music playing on the radio and my passengers singing out the lyrics. Well, they were more like croaking or crowing. Singing was not her thing, rapping definitely.

"Tell em, tell em, tell em, tell em! I go, I go, I go, I go cra-a-a-a-a-zy, cra-a-a-a-a-zy!"

I turned off the radio and they booed. I had to do it, their singing was the worst torture a human could endure and my ears felt like they were bleeding.

"Turn it back on Troy!" whined Dyan as she made a pouty face.

She looked like a cute little girl, the way her eyes shone and the way her bottom lip was pushed out, I wanted to lean in and bite it so badly. I stared at her little face and caved in... she looked so cute.

"Fine," I said as I turned on the radio.

They cheered and started to sing again. I shrugged and tapped the beat of New Flame as I drove down the street. I had to try and endure this.

It had been a tiring day so far, shopping for wedding things sucked.

First, we went to a damn flower shop, like who cared if magenta flowers give the wedding a 'dead look'? Weren't they flowers just the same and who cared how many flowers are supposed to be in a bouquet?

Just grab a few and tie them together... Don't get me started on the type of flowers... Roses, Tulips, Pansies... I could care less.

After that boring two hours, she dragged us to the caterer... Yay! (Note my sarcasm).

The tasting took forever.

When she tasted one she would be like 'this is too sweet', aren't cakes supposed to be sweet? 'This is a bit too soft', oh come on! 'This has too much frosting', kill me! 'You know that when I was younger I didn't like this flavour and I still don't like it', so why the fuck did you ask to taste it?

It was like this for another torturous two hours.

I had to sit through all that, answering silly questions she asked me. I was praying for at least one of those cakes to poison me, just to get out of there...

Next, we were going to a boutique to look for a dress but Ethan just had to scream at the top of his lungs that he wanted food after we passed the nearest food place. So now because of him and Dyan – like didn't she just eat cake– I had to turn back. It was already two o'clock and I didn't plan on staying on the road all fucking day.

I pulled up to the pizza joint and parked. It was red with big glass windows and a big pizza at the top with 'Brandy's Pizzeria' on it.

They smiled and exited. I sat in the car, I wasn't hungry and I had no intention to go in. Dyan looked through the car window and frowned. "You're not coming?"

"No, I have something to do," I replied.

Now that I think of it, I do have something I need to do and the place is just around the corner. Moreover, they would be busy and not in my way. Jovaughn couldn't let them find out what he was planning to do.

She nodded, grabbing Ethan's hand before he ran off and he looked up at her admiringly.

"I'll pick you guys up when you're finished, just call me."

She nodded, taking out her black Gucci handbag and walked off with Ethan sticking to her like a lost puppy.

You're barking at the wrong tree bro.

I smiled, shaking my head and sped off down the road.


I walked into the store, bells ringing upon my entry. I took in the wooden interior and grimaced.

There were dusty shelves with antique items and there were cobwebs on the roof. When was the last time they cleaned this place?

I walked farther into the store, my shoes carrying the dust on the floor with it and the wood becoming visible under all that dust. I moved quickly to the cashier desk and a young lady was seated at it, filing her nails and chewing gum.

She was a redhead and looked Gothic.

"What can I do fah yah?" she asked as her green eyes glanced at me before looking back at her black nails.

"I need to go somewhere," I replied.

"And? What this look like a bus stop? Get yah ass out here, I ain't no bus watcher... I can't tell you when dah bus gon come... I ain't no psychic," she said not paying much attention to me.

"Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it," I replied bluntly, saying the secret phrase.

"Oh that somewhere, why yah neva say so? Walk through dah door down the stairs and it's dah first door on the left," she pointed to my right.

"Thank you."

"Yah welcome, handsome," she winked and cursed as she chipped her nail.

I walked away from her with a grin and followed her directions. I found myself in a dark hall, standing in front of a metal door.

I sighed before knocking on the door.

I listened as the locks on the door were being unlocked. I tapped my foot impatiently and rocked left to right. This was taking so damn long; they must have pulled ten locks by now.

"Hey buddy this one is stuck come help me out," I heard from the other side of the door.

They had to be kidding me.

I pushed my hand in the pockets of my black jeans. I was also in a white T-shirt and a black and white hoodie. I heard straining on the other side of the door and I released a frustrated groan.

"Hey you on the other side give the door a push," I heard a man yell.

I shook my head, took my hands out of my pockets and placed them on the door. I pushed and I heard squeaking.

I continued to push, the men groaning as they pulled the metal door. The door freed up with a squeak and I stopped pushing. Finally, I could get this fucking over with before Dyan called me.

The door opened wider, I dusted off my hands and I looked up to only come face to face with a gun.

Like fucking really?

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