Chapter 34

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Nicalus' words rang in my ears and I found myself unable to process it all. The cure that we were trying to find for months. It was under my nose this entire time; she was under my nose this entire time.

Dyan was the cure. The cure was coursing through her veins.

Looking at it now it all made sense. The pills she had to take around the clock. The photo on her laptop. The mention of specimen in the reports. The connection between Richards, the Ryder family and Nicalus. They weren't experimenting on animals, they experimented on Dyan. A child.

I went limp in Fel's hold. The memory of the reports Fel had read; the side effects of their treatment... Who the fuck could they put a child through that? Was Nicalus so fucking cruel to experiment on a helpless child and the Ryders, how could they adopt her only for her to succumb to such dehumanizing treatments?

Dyan knew I was in the FBI why didn't she tell me? We could've seized Nicalus and get her out...

"Jov," Fel said as her arms loosened around me and I could hear the disbelief and horror in her voice. "Specimen 072421, i-it was her... T-They..."

Donovan started to laugh heartily drawing my attention to the screen.

"Making your fiancée a host for the cure... Brilliant," Donovan praised between laughter.

Sharona shook her head at him, fixing her the turtleneck of her red, tightfitting dress before muttering something in Russian that causes Donovan to sober up.

"So where is her medication, Alberstein? Can't have her dying on us can we?" Donovan asked as he straightened his black suit.

Dyan's coughing had calmed down but she still had a hard time breathing. Sharona moved behind Dyan, untying the bloody gag and Dyan's lips trembled, bloody sliding down her lips.

"Blya otvratitel'no," Sharona grumbled before going to lean on the window, looking down at the pool area.

"They are in her bedroom. In her n-nightstand or her medicine cabinet..." Nicalus said staring at Dyan with a worried look on his face.

Donovan turned to the two men hidden in the corner hissing out instructions and they leave the room.

It was at that moment that I saw an opening. Donovan made a stupid move; he assumed he was in no danger within enemy territory. He thought he had the mansion under his control. The room was now unguarded and they weren't expecting an attack.

I scrambled from the floor, moving toward the desk and started to press buttons allowing the system's firewall to fall.

"I almost gave up on you, Tyler" Jim said through my earpiece a second later. "I thought your ass had be—"

"We don't have time for jokes right now, Jim. I need you to hack the system and be my eyes and ears here," I issued out instructions as I made my way towards the door, cocking the gun in my hand.

"I will take care of the two heading towards Dyan's room. Little sis, I need you to take care of the others on this floor, quietly. We don't need an entire army coming for us," I threw a stun grenade, one of my blades, another gun with a silencer and an earpiece to Fel and she nodded, placing the earpiece in.

"Jim this is my sister, Carmen. Watch her back. There is a FBI team approaching the mansion, Jim find and track them. We need to know how long we have until they are here," I stated as I tucked my gun in my belt before cautiously opening the door.

I heard three thuds and I looked back to see Fel standing over one of the men, shaking her hand out.

"Just to ensure they don't come to while we're out," she smiled, walking towards me.

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