Chapter 8

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I grabbed another cucumber, jammed it in her mouth and in surprise her grip loosened. I twisted around, grabbing her legs and picking her up before dashing to the back of the storage room. I hid behind the stack of boxes.

I dropped her and Sharona landed on her feet, pulling the cucumber out of her mouth ready to scream but I placed my hand over her mouth.

I pressed her body on a wall and held her there. Dylan's footsteps went silent or was it my beating heart that was drowning out the sound?

I heard the knob being turned.

I held my breath, praying she wouldn't see us. My eyes furrowed moments later when the knob was still being turned but it wasn't opening. I looked at Sharona who was staring at me with a gotch-ya look in her eyes.

That bitch locked the door! That little –

"Hey, anyone in here?" Dyan asked as she knocked on the door.

I went rigid. She called again, getting no reply.

"Hey, babe? What are you doing here?" I heard Nicalus ask in a slurred voice. He was drunk.

"I was looking for a waiter, he was supposed to get more wine," she explained from the other side of the door.

I heard staggering movements and then a yelp. "Niculas, put me down!"

I heard the footsteps fade away. "Let's get that sexy ass out there. The waiter will take care of the refreshments. Tonight you're mine!"

His words got faint as they went out of the kitchen and I released my hold on Sharona, paying her no attention before storming out the closet.

I was mad. No, I was enraged.

Tonight you're mine.

His voice was echoing in my head.

You're mine.

My fists clenched.


I slammed my fist on the marble countertop. She should be mine, not his! He should not be calling her his, he doesn't deserve her!

I paced the kitchen, running my hands in my hair furiously. Why were these words troubling me? I wasn't one to get possessive, especially over a woman. All I cared about was getting my part of the sex.

I never cared about a woman flirting with another man or allowing him to touch her. So, why was it so different with her? What was so special about her that had me so enraged about Nicalus calling her his?

Sharona came into the kitchen with a cheeky grin. "Wasn't that fun?"

I looked at her with a glare; I wanted to choke the fuck out of her. I scowled before leaving the kitchen. I walked onto the patio and the sound of One dance by Drake filled my ears.

There was a roar of cheers and my face froze as I took in what was happening in front of me. I watched as Nicalus grabbed Dyan's waist as she moved him. He pushed up on her as she rotated her hips on his. Her hands moved to his hair, tugging on it as he ran his hand down her stomach, down to her...

I turned around, my mouth was dry and my mind formulating various ways of ending Nicalus'.

This was foreign to me, it was not normal for me to feel this way.

I shook my head and looked up again. Dyan was still in front of Nicalus but they ceased the dancing. She was talking with the people surrounding them, she shifted her eyes from the lady in front of her unto me and she looked surprised.

She gave me a crooked smile, my body went rigid and I gave a tight one. Her eyes went back to the lady but my eyes stayed on her, taking in her beauty. She was exquisite, her pouty lips, her mesmerizing eyes and her smile brightened the night.

"You know you can't have her right?" I didn't have to turn around to see who it was.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked annoyed.

Sharona came to my side and crossed her arms over her chest. "Do you think she would want you, Troy? You're a butler, you're incapable of settling down and you're a man whore. She won't run to you. She won't dump her rich fiancé for you."

I clenched my jaw, looking straight ahead. "You don't know me, Sharona."

"Are you sure? I know you well enough Troy. When she finally hurts you a.k.a turn you down, you will come running to me. You will never be with her. She won't want you," she stated as she stared at me. "You know where to find me when you need to ease the pain. I'm taking my leave; I got what I came for, no need to stick around."

She gave a wicked smile and walked away. My posture remained rigid and my knuckles were turning white, I was clenching them tightly.

Her words sunk in my head. Would Dyan really be with me? Would she ever dump Nicalus for me; giving up all this wealth, money, parties and fame for one night with me?

Maybe Sharona was right I had no chance with her.

I shook my head, I needed to stop overthinking this. I took up a tray from the kitchen with glasses of wine and continued my job. I was almost out of glasses when Nicalus came over to me.

I took a deep breath. Here we go.

"Troy my boy! Isn't this party the bomb?!" he sang as he stumbled towards me. He really tried too hard to sound young.

"Yes sir it is," I replied flatly. I wish he would move.

He grabbed a glass, taking it to his lips and downed it. His blues eyes shone, he was in blue shorts, and his hair was messy– because of Dyan's tugging - and wet. He still had that serious look even though he was completely wasted and he was barely able to stand.

"Tonight's gonna be wild!" he shouted at me. His breath stunk.

I looked at him confused until it finally clicked. He was talking about–

"Dyan will be screaming all night long. Not only will she be wowed by my intellect, but my techniques in bed! I can just see her now!"

My body tensed as I held back myself from knocking him down and I gripped the tray until my knuckles were white.

"Hey, baby!" Nicalus shouted. Dyan looked up and Nicalus grabbed his crotch. She blushed and returned to her guest.

I walked away from him, stomping. I flung down the tray on a table and raced into the living room, fuming. People were on the couch making out and I cringed as I saw granny and a guy my age on the floor going at it.

I ran up the stairs, halfway up my anger got the best of me and I punched the wall. I swore as pain shot through my hand, my fingers feeling numb.

Well, that didn't help. Maybe if I was rearranging Nicalus' face with my fist it would be better but then again his face looked like it was made from titanium.

I walked up the stairs towards the bathroom with a grunt. I needed to deal with my hand; it was aching and swollen. I could see the purple, black and red bruises on it, I was lucky I didn't break any bones. At least I didn't think I did.

A thud in Nicalus' office stopped in my tracks. I looked to the door, sneaking towards it and I listened. There were soft movements inside, almost like someone didn't want to get noticed.

Why would someone be up here? In his office, unless they were trying to find something.

The formula.

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