Chapter 33

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When I stepped into Jim's place, I wasn't sure what to expect. I had been out of contact throughout my entire journey here, my cell disconnected so I could not be tracked by any means.

It had to call in a couple favours to get back onto that island under the wraps. There was no way I was going to allow Dyan nor my sister to be put into danger because the bureau did not believe me.

Unfortunately, I was behind time, The Silver Sword were already there and Fel and Dyan were already in danger. I did not fold myself into a travel crate for the last couple of hours to arrive here late but neither my contact nor I could anticipate the high turbulence on that flight.

"They attacked an hour ago and have the place on lock down," Jim stated as he sat around his desk, searching through Ally's databases. "Ally has been trying to get into the cameras but there seems to be a scrambler on the compound and its hindering her."

I listened to Jim as I suited up, I didn't ask how Jim managed to get some many weapons on the island or where he got them from. Its obviously for protection, let's just say Jim does not have a lot of genuine friends.

I secured the dagger in the holster on my left leg, dropping the pants' leg and placed a handgun on the right. Guns were strapped to my torso on the bulletproof vest and on my belt, a few stun grenades and brass knuckle.

"Have Ally pull up the blueprints and find me a safe entry point for the mansion," I said as I walked towards the monitors and circular desk.

The room as well as the rest of the shop was vacant, the place emptied for safety reasons. With The Silver Swords here, Jim had to be prepared to take flight if discovered and he could not take any chances.

Jim's eyes were locked on the screen as ran through file after file. The blueprint popped up and Ally pulled up 3D view on the safest entrance.

The safest route into the mansion is at the Alberstein Spring. There is a hidden door within the rock structure. It leads you directly into the kitchen pantry and pool house. This entrance can be easily accessed through vegetation behind the Alberstein Mansion.

I studied the plan noting where the latch for the door is located before thanking Ally and grabbing a jacket, shrugging it on.

"You know this is madness right? You're up against a highly decorated gang, Ty. The odds are against you," Jim said narrowing his green eyes at me. "They aren't easily subdued and they will not hesitate to kill you. Why won't you let me tag along? It's been a while since I have seen those fuckers."

Jim was older than me at 28 years and had his share of run ins with The Silver Sword, they hadn't taken lightly to Jimmy playing informant and had beaten him to the point of death many times. The only reason why he breathed now was because he was loyal to no side and informed on other gangs too.

Silver Sword benefitted from his information more than they suffered from his inability to keep his mouth shut about their movements. They used intimidation and beatings to try and tame Jim but he was never one to back down.

That day I went to him to gain ground on a local gang was supposed to be the day he died but I got him out and hidden, hence his willingness to help 'Tyler' my cover at that time. He had majorly fucked over a deal against The Silver Sword and a powerful Mafia family. It took a lot of convincing but I got the bureau to protect him and in exchange they could utilize his skills, primarily Ally. I was tasked with watching over him and garnering information from him.

"You underestimate me Jimmy," I teased as I zipped up the jacket hiding my weapons. "This is my problem and I will fix it. I just need you to be my eyes and ears when the time comes. If I am unable to find the scrambler and contact you within the next hour, notify the closest authorities. Afterwards, leave the island and go to the safe house. They might get a whiff of your scent and start sniffing around."

At Your Service (BWWM) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें