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"Okay," Brian began with an excited look. "How are things going with you and Jared? Are you two finally dating?"

"No," Devon sighed. "I want to, and he did agree to become my little and make me his daddy while he was sick, but now he's better and doesnt seem to want to be much of a little anymore."

"Do you treat him like a little?"

"Yes. I change him and diaper him and all that jazz."

"But do you get him sippy cups and tell him that he's too little to do something? Or do you play games with him or color?" Brian asked. Devon looked down at his shoes. "There is more to being a daddy ad little than just putting him in diapers. You need to treat him like your baby."

Devon nodded in understanding, knowin that he did need to make a better job at being a daddy. If he wanted to keep Jared as his little, he was going to have to start treating him lie one as well.

"What?" Jared exclaimed.

Devon quickly jumped up from his seat on the couch and ran into the kitchen after his baby's cry. "WHat;s wrong? WHta happened?" he panicked.

"Geez I didn;t think you would make such a big deal about this," Macy muttred.

"Just...how can you...what?" Jared asked in confuion.

Devon wrapped an arm around Jared's waist and ran his other hand through his hair. "Hey, what's going on, baby?" he soothed.

Jared's mouth opened and shut as stared back and forth between Macy and Devon. Brian was now in the room, and he wasn;t sure if he knew about Macy's plans or not. Grabbing Devon by the hand, Jared pulled him out of the kitchen and into a seperate bedroom.

Devon was able to grab his bag by the door on the way into the room and placed it on the bed. "Hey, what's going on?" Devon cooed, rubbing his thumb under Jared;s eye.

"Macy...she....she is goinf to....and Brian will....and whta?" Jared panicked.

"Hey," Devon cooed. He sat down on the floor and pulled Jared into his lap and held him close. He rocked him back and forth and shushed him gently. "You have to use your big boy words, or else I won't understand what you are saying."

"I'm sorry, daddy," Jared whispered as he cuddled closer into Devon's chest.

"It's okat baby." Devon dug around in his bag and pulled out a sippy cup full of juice and handed it to Jared. "Here baby drink something. It might calm you down."

Jared placed his hands on the sippy cup, but devon kept one hand on it as well to make sure he was helping feed Jared. It was the little things he was supposed to do to bring Jared into his little space, and this was one of them. Helping his little drink from a sippy cup.

The bedroom door began to open, and with Jared shaking in fear of embarasment in his arms, Devon yelled at the person. "Get out!"

The door quickly slammed shut, and Devon kissed the top of Jared's head. "I won't let anyone emabaras you, okay? I will keep you loved and safe, alright?"

Jared nodded and began to pull the sippy cup away. "Daddy?"

"Yes baby?"

"Macy wants to make Brian her little."

Devon stared at Jared with wide eyes before beginning to laugh. "That's great."

"How? Brian would never do it, and then they will break up and it will be all my fault.'

"How is t your fault?"

"I was the one who introduced Macy to the idea of being a little."

"Honey," Jared chuckled. "Brian knows about Macy's plan. He told me a week ago, and he told me he was willing to give it a shot since Macy has wanted to do it long before she met you. They aren;t going to break up and it wouldnt be your fault anyway."

Jared nodded and cuddled back up into Devon's side. Devon cooed at his little and squuezed his bum lightly as he pulled Jared closer, loving how little he was behaving. Jared squealed softly before whimpering. "What's wrong, buddy?"

"I...I wet," Jared mumbled.

"Okay." Devon laid Jared down on his back on the floor, stood up, and loced the door. He didn;t want to risk anyone coming in again. All the blinds and curtains were shut in the room, so there was nothing to worry about. He pulled Jared's pants down and off his legs before unpeeling the pullup. Devon wiped Jared's prince parts and slipped a new pullup on him. "There we go," he smiled. "All better."

Jared noticed the way Devon looked at him in only a shirt and diaper. It was lustful, and he enjoyed the feeling of Devon's eyes on him. "If you want..." Jared embarassingly began, "when we get home, I'll keep my pants off and stay in a diaper for you."

"Would you crawl on the floor to?" Devon asked, his voice deep and sultry.

Jared blushed and nodded. Devon smiled and leaned up to kiss Jared's forehead, but Jared turned his face in time to be kissed on the lips instead. Devon pulled back and blushed, but Jred didn;t care. He wrapped his arms around Devon's neck and kissed him. Hard.

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