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As Jared began to feel better, he began to grow out of his little space. While he did wear diapers around the house, he didn't use them. Devon began to grow worried that Jared was pulling away from his little tendencies and wouldn't want to be a little anymore. He loved Jared and wanted to keep him as his little forever.

"Are you ready to head to Brian's?" Devon asked Jared, who sat on the couch on his phone.

"Yeah, I guess," he replied, locking hs phone and putting it in is pocket.

As Jared stood up and walked towards the door, Devon grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "What-" Jared began before he gasped. Devon pulled at the back on Jared's pants and glared at him when he saw how he wasn;t wearing his diaper.

"Why aren;t you wearing your diaper?" he scolded.

"We're going to Brian's-"

"And Brian doesn't care that you wear diapers. You need to wear one," Devon stated.

"But Devon-"

"That's daddy to you," he stated.

"Alright, daddy, I don't want to wear oe out in pubic."

"But what if you have an accident?"

"I won;t/"

"You've had a few ecently where you didn;t even realize you went in your daiper. I don't want you to suffer embarrassment from going in your pants. I'm looking out for you."

"And what id they see my diaper?"

"WHo's they?"

"Anyone and everyone!" Jared exclaimed. "I'm not putting thre fucking thing on, so you an forget it."

Devon glared at Jared as he pulled his little over to the couch. he pulled down Jared's pants and laid him over his lap. Devon slapped Jared's butt, causing the boy to yelp. "What the hell?"

"You broke the rules, baby. You know you're not allowed to take off your daper without daddy's permission, and you can't curse at me. You get a punishment for that," he said before laying nother smack on Jared's butt.

Jared let out a scream of pain, and Devon frowned at him. He spanked Jared three more times before pulling his pants back up and cuddling the boy to his chest. Jared shook slightly as he buried his face in Devon's chest. Devon rubbed Jared's back comfortingly and hushed him softly and kissed the top of his head.

"Do you know why daddy punished you, baby?" he asked.

"Yes, daddy. I don't talk back to you when you;re trying to look out for me."


"I should be allowed to be comofrtable out in public, so that means I should be allowed to not wear a diaper in oublic if I don;t want to," Jared argued.

"WHat about a pullup? They aren't as thick, and they're easier to hide. And if you have an accident, you'll be all good," Devon suggested. "The last thing I need is for my baby to be uncomfrotable."

"Alright, daddy," Jared agreed. Devon picked Jared up and placed him on his hip as he walked to the bedroom.


"Hey, guys," Brian greeted as he opened the door. "Coem on in."

Macy walked into the room, ans when she saw Devon and Jared's hands hlding each others, she squealed. "Are you guys finally dating?" she asked.

Jared and Devon looked at each other in confusion. "Not really," Jared replied. "I mean, we act like one, but we don;t actually have any labels."

"Except daddy," Devon muttered, and Jared slapped him. Devo gaved Jared a warning glance, but he shook it off.

Macy and Jared walked into the kitchen together and got some water. "So, aee you weearing a diaper?" she asked.

"Do you relaly have to ask?" Jared complaiend.

"I'm just trying to get the feel of it," she defended.


"I want for Brian to become my little," she replied.

"What!" Jared yelled.

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