Chapter 19

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"What the hell are you doing Eric?!" Jason yelled at Eric once he saw us both walking in the school together, holding hands.

"Let me explain fir-"

Then right before he could finish, Jason whacked the back of Eric's head.

Then he pushed his head down to look at the floor.

"But Jason!" Eric said lifting his head back up to explain.

"No, shut up! You're just making matters worse." Jason said pushing Eric's head back down.

"Sorry Amy, it won't happen again." Jason said looking up at the ceiling, refusing to make eye contact.

Then Eric still had his head down but he turned his head a little bit to face me so Jason wouldn't see then he smiled and rolled his eyes.

Then I started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Jason, look at me."

Then he slowly turned his head towards me and looked me in my eyes with a scared look on his face afraid of what I was going to say.

"I'm OK, Jason." I said slowly with a smile.

"A-are you sure?"

I nodded my head.

"Wow, then why did you send that scary text? Like when I read it, I almost threw my phone across the room because I got so scared."

"Well maybe if you had given us a chance to explain." Eric said annoyed.

Then Eric walked back to my side and put an arm around my shoulder.

Then I explained everything that happened.

"Wait, let me just take all of this in." He said trying to remember everything that happened when we first got here.

"Oh whoops, sorry Eric for trying to knock some sense into you."

"He's the one that needs some sense knocked into him." Eric mumbled.

"Are you done now?" I said laughing at Jason.

"Yeah, I think so." He said giving me a smile.

Then he just stood there with a stupid smile on his face as always when he doesn't know what else to say.

"So..." Jason said making a popping sound with his mouth.

Then he scanned us both and saw the position we were standing in.

"Wait a minute, hold your panties!" Jason exclaimed which made people around us in the hallway turn to look at us.

"I'm about to start sounding like a girl for like the next minute so." Jason said excitedly.


So he just started fan-girling or something like that, he have some type of fan fiction pictured in his head?

But Eric and me started laughing anyways, not caring at all the stares of disbelief we were getting.



I heard two voices yell my name from a distance.

Then I saw two girls push through a bunch of people in the hallway trying to get to me.

Then they finally got through and saw that it was Lisa and Heather.

"You.....are dating...... Eric?!" Heather panted.

"When did this happen?!" Lisa yelled in disbelief. "We're your number one! When we're you planning to tell us? Sisters before misters, depends on the mister!" Lisa started ranting.

"Ha ha, chill out, we just started dating yesterday." I said quietly.

Then Lisa and Heather started squealing while I laughed and winced at how high pitched their voice can go.

"That is so cute!" Lisa squealed.

"We totally need to make a ship name!" Heather said jumping up and down.

"Hmm, I love America!" Lisa said as a suggestion.

"OH, if they have kids and it's a girl, her name could be Erica, or Ami!"

Then I turned red at the thought of me and Eric having a life together and having a family.

Then Eric cleared his throat and just stood there awkwardly with Jason looking nowhere near us.

"Oh yeah, sorry, kind of forgot you were there." I gave an embarrassed smile.

"Amy, is that Jason Axton?" Heather whispered to me.

"Yeah, why?"

"He's pretty cute and he also has a very familiar name and face." Heather continued to whisper.

Jason was obviously eavesdropping since he heard his name, but once he heard Heather say that, his smile faded and he turned as white as a ghost.

"Uh, I have to get to class." Jason said turning around and walking away.

"But there's still five more minutes until-" Jason cut me off.

"Bye." Jason said and he disappeared into the rest of the crowd of high-schoolers in the hall.

"Anyways congratulations, we should get going now and I will always go for America!" Lisa said turning around and dragging Heather along with her by the arm.

"Don't forget to name the kid Erica!" Heather yelled before she also disappeared like Jason did.

"Okay then." I jumped a little at Eric's voice from behind me.

"I forgot you were here, again."

"Well, I guess you'll just have to get used to me be around you more often." He smirked while taking a step closer.

"Oh really?" I smiled.

"Oh yes." He said with a mischievous smile as he snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

Then he leaned in closer and we kissed in front of practically everyone that walked by.

Then the bell rang as we kissed.

Then we pulled apart and what he said had a chill run down my spine.

"You're mine now."


I'm soooooo sorry I haven't been updating and that this was a short chapter.

You see, I don't know what I'm doing with myself.

School, Volleyball, Homework, and my laziness is preventing me from writing and I'm sorry. School is pretty stressful now since we are fundraising to go to Puerto Rico next year!

\(^~^)/ Please don't hate me!

Also if you have any suggestions for Eric and Amanda's ship name, please say because I suck at those.

Anyways, again I'm so sorry and thank you for reading another weird chapter of Unwanted!

Adios beautiful people!

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