Chapter 12

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"Why did you pick me, out of all people?" I said to Eric.

"Because I like you. Is that so wrong?" He said to me while stepping a little closer.

Now there is barely any space in between us. I'm looking up at him, he's staring down at me with a smirk. We just stood there looking into each other's eyes.

I think I was about to get lost in his dreamy blue eyes. Then he said, "You are so beautiful." He said while putting a piece of hair back behind my ear, putting his arms around my waist.

"Eric..." I said while blushing and looking away from his beautiful face. I only looked away because I knew if I looked back, I wouldn't be able to look away.

Then he grabbed my chin with his thumb and index finger and turned my head to face him. Then he leaned closer and stopped right before our lips could touch...

I start to feel weird inside. I don't even know how to describe the way I feel right now. I, I feel loved.


"Huh?" I said shocked and confused at what he has just said to me.

"Ding." He said while sounding a little more like my phone this time.

"Ding." He said while sounding exactly like my phone.

Then I woke up. Then I sighed realizing that it was only a dream.

Then I looked beside me to see my phone with three new text messages. They were from Jason? What could he possibly want from me at 8:47 P.M?

Jason: I hope I didn't wake you and sorry to text you this late but I can't wait 'till the weekend to see you.

Jason: So I was wondering if we could meet tomorrow at Sammy's Diner tomorrow 4 breakfast. Maybe around 10? ;-)

Jason: If you already have plans tomorrow we can just meet on Saturday like originally planned.

So my eyes opened really wide and started typing.

Me: yeah, sure why not? See you there! :-D

2 minutes later...

Jason: Okay cool! Later beautiful.

Then I blushed at the message he had just sent me. Then realization had just hit me. Jason is flirting with me. Maybe Eric won't mind that I'm hanging out with his cousin. Should I invite him? Okay let me find him in my contacts.

Okay, I don't have his number. What kind of a friend am I?!

Maybe this just one time I don't have to invite him. It won't be weird, will it? OKAY, I'm going back to bed.


So I woke up around 8:30 just to get ready.

I finally found a normal outfit to wear after I tore up my whole closet. I found a nice pair of jeans with a brand new black V-neck.

Then I went to go find my purse and left to go meet Jason.

It took me about fifteen minutes to get there but I made it just in time. I saw Jason sitting in a booth on his phone when I walked in.

Then he looked up from his phone and signaled me to go and sit by him.

"Hey! You made it!"

"Yeah, it's not like I had anything else to do with my boring life." I said while sitting down in the booth.

"Okay so what would you like to have?" Jason said while passing me a menu.

"Em, I don't really know. Well since you've been here before, what's good on here?"

"Well I think the #14 is the best one I've had. It has a burger, mashed potatoes, curly fries, and a milkshake to top it all off."

"Wow that actually does sound pretty good." I said while my mouth started to water. Which I hope he can't see because that would be embarrassing.

Then right on cue, a waitress came to take our order. She asked us what we would like to drink and all.

I got a lemonade and he got a coke. And for our meal we both got a #14.

The waitress said it would take about ten minutes to prepare and left to go get our drinks.

"So how did you and Eric meet? You two seem really close."

"Oh um, you see that's a pretty funny story." I said while giggling at how we met.

So I explained the whole story of how me and Eric met and became friends.

"He really should stop trying to play football. He knows he sucks at it." He said while we both started laughing.

"Yeah I could tell. I was the one that caught the ball!" I said as we started laughing some more.

Then the waitress came with our drinks and said it will only take about five more minutes for our food.

"You know I really can't wait for the food. I can smell it from here and it's making my mouth water!" I said to Jason.

"Trust me, it taste as good as it smells." He said with a smile.

Then we just started talking about ourselves until our food came.

So it turns out Jason goes to the same school as me too. I don't understand why I never saw these people before. His favorite color is baby blue, he has a dog named Terry, and he plays football.

Man what is up with boys and sports? Maybe if I was a guy maybe I'd understand.

Then our food finally came. The waitress put it on the table and I immediately thanked her. Then I got some of the silverware and started to eat the mash potatoes. Then the burger. Then everything else but the milkshake. I was saving the best for last.

We've been eating for 30 minutes so far. Then we finally decided to drink the milkshake. Then we raised our glasses and made a toast.

"To new friends and experiences." Jason said while clinking our cups together.

Then we smiled and sipped our drink. It was soooo good! Then we paid the waitress and gave her a tip.

Then Jason said that he wanted to take me somewhere else. So I agreed and we went to his car.


You know I'm trying to decide whether or not I should make a chapter from Eric's point of view. 

Okay, I really loved this chapter that I wrote.

I was going to write more but decided that I should write it in another chapter.

OH, and the picture at the top is Jason AKA Tom Barker!

Thank you so much for reading this book. I hope you love it as much as I do!


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