Chapter 3

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So the time went by and it was time for lunch. But I'm pretty sure that I'm going to eat alone again and get my tray knocked out of my hands. And it was all going to just be an 'accident'. But those two weird girls actually were there and motioned me to sit by them.

"Um hi. I thought only we were going to sit here."

OMGOODNESS, there is so many people at this table.

"Well it was until we told some of our friends and then they wanted to hear what happened."

Um no thanks I will just go eat outside like usual.

"Oh and by the way my name is Lisa and this is my best friend Heather. Everyone else doesn't matter."

"Well my name is Amy. I think I will just go sit somewhere else."

Then I left and they didn't seem to care. Well I thought. I went to go sit on a bench outside to eat my lunch then they ALL followed me. I almost choked on my sandwich.

"OH MY GOSH! You guys scared me. Why did you follow me?" I said while almost falling off the bench.

"Well we want to hear what happened." One of the girls in the back said.

"Um okay, uh sure."

Okay this is very weird and I'm pretty sure there is about ten girls here right now. OMG Eric is out there in the field playing soccer with his friends. Wow he really is good at soccer. He could get a scholarship or something with those skills.

"Well I was at my locker closing it. Then I heard someone yell. By the time I turned to see what the big commotion was about, it was too late. Then Eric fell on me. He was playing football in the hall."

"Did he catch it?" Heather said.

"Uh no, I did actually."

"Did you get to touch him in any way?" Lisa said.

"Well he helped me up so I touched his hand I guess."

"OMG." One of the girls said while fainting.

"His hands were smooth and soft. They felt nice I guess."

Eric is really good looking. He looks like a nice guy and he is really good at soccer. OH, he's looking at me. He smiled at me? Wow he has a really cute smile. And I smiled back. Then he waved and continued to play soccer.

"Who were you smiling at?" The girl in the back said.

Then they all turned around and saw Eric and started doing high pitch screams but like quietly going, EEEEEEHH! Which I think was meant to be a squeal.

"It's Eric!" All the girls screamed.

"Okay we should really go now, bye Amanda!" Heather said.

Finally alone at last. Now I can eat my sandwich in peace. Oh my gosh Eric is looking at me again. Oh and now he's coming over. Now I'm really going to die eating my lunch.

"Um hi Eric." I said while throwing my tray away.

"Hey Amanda."

"You remembered my name?"

"Of course I did. So how's your leg?"

"Better I guess. And thanks for the ice pack." I said while walking back to the bench.

Ah but of course I failed to get to the bench since I could barely walk. Then I let out a small scream as I was falling but instead of falling on the floor I fell on him. Kinda. I landed on his chest since he somehow managed to catch me before I gave the floor a high five with my face.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I'm such a klutz! Do I need to do something for you like do your homework or-"

"What? No, of course not. It was just an accident. It's fair enough since I fell on you." He said while we both just started to smile and stare at each other.

He's so nice. Um he's still holding on to my waist, and I still have my hands on his chest. But it feels nice to be held by someone. Then I stopped staring at him then looked at his arms around me.

"Um, I think I can manage from here now Eric." I said with a smile.

"Oh uh right. Sorry about that." He said while letting go of me and running his fingers through his hair.

"It's okay." I said while slightly turning red.

Then he cleared his throat and said "So you eat lunch out here every day?"

"Um yes."


"This might sound really sad to you but I have no friends." I said while starting to look down at the floor.

"Oh well who were those bunch of girls you were just with?"

"Oh um, they were just asking me a few questions that's it."

"Well if they're not then I am."

"Really?" I said to him with a surprised face.

"Well yeah! Since no one else does. I can eat lunch with you here everyday."

"Well I don't think that's such a great idea."

"And why not?"

"Because of all the people that make fun of me. Like Veronica, Josh and Janette. Then all the girls that go crazy over you."

And also because we just met, and your cool, and I don't want to fall in love with you, and all that stuff.

"So, why do I care? It's just people that think they're cool. I'm sitting with you if you like it or not!" He said with a smile.

"Okay well see you at lunch tomorrow!"

Then we smiled and left after the last bell of the day rang. So I started to walk home. Such a weird but good day.

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