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Trinity gets off the train with Martha at his side. He walks with her to the streets. They'll be waiting for Gabriel there.

Suddenly he feels a knife at his throat. He smiles and Martha is too shocked to do anything. "What the hell are you doing Romain?" He hadn't noticed that he wasn't holding the knife to Gabriel. Trinity had dyed his hair and is wearing his brown contacts.

"Your father is angry that you aren't back yet for the reunion. He has ordered the death of Gabriel and you brought back to the estate now."

Trinity was just waiting to find out what he should do. He takes the arm that holds the knife and puts pressure on it as he pulls it away. Then he twists the arm around and jabs the knife into Romain. Then he takes his own knife and stabs the other kidney. "I'm not Gabriel, so I'll pass on the offer of a quick death thanks."

Gabriel leans down and takes the knife out of Romain and hands it to Trinity. Then he kicks Romain. "I don't care for the idea either. How about you take my place? I'll take Marthe home and have her big reunion with her loving family." 

They go through the warren of backstreets, Gabriel leading the way and Marthe following with Trinity bringing up the rear. Their packs are full of C4 and detonators. They can't afford to be caught by the police at this time.

When they reach the hidden entrance to the estate they make sure that they aren't being watched and rapidly enter the darkness. They take out their flashlights and don't hesitate going down the dark tunnel.

"This tunnel is old, older than our family. The estate predates the revolution. I think this tunnel was originally built for smuggling but could have been used to smuggle out some of the aristocracy before Madame Le Guillotine took their heads in her hunger.

"My father doesn't even know about this tunnel or if he does he doesn't use or guard it, the idiot." Just as she finishes speaking they hear voices. They turn off their lights as they back into the alcove behind them.

"Jean-Claude is paranoid. Nobody has used these tunnels since the revolution."

"It doesn't matter if he is paranoid or not. Our orders are to make sure that there is nobody here." The second voice says.

"How far are we to check? These tunnels go for miles in all directions." The first voice whines.

The three wait holding their breaths so that the other two don't hear them.

"This is far enough on this tunnel. Let's go down the tunnel that leads north." The second man says silently agreeing with the first man. They turn and head back to the tunnel cross road and turn to go up that tunnel.

"We'll wait here and give them time to go up that tunnel. Then they'll need to check the one that runs east before returning to the estate."

They hurry once they deem it safe enough. They emerge into the cellars and quickly set up the explosives.

"I'll return to the house. He'll leave you two alone if I'm inside."

"No! That wasn't the plan," Gabriel doesn't want to lose her.

"Plans change. Are you sure Marthe? We might not be able to get you out in time." Trinity doesn't like the idea either.

"Yes, the damn reunion will be tomorrow. The fucking cousins will be wanting entertainment, so will daddy dearest. He needs me, he won't kill me. Tomorrow this will all be over one way or another. I told you Gabriel, if it means the death of this family than I'll die happy." Marthe kisses him one last time and gives Trinity a hug goodbye.

"I'll try to get out on my own, but daddy might keep me occupied. Don't worry I know more than one way out of the estate."

They watch as she goes back into the estate where she will certainly be abused and beaten and they can do nothing about it.

They get back to work and finish setting the explosives. Soon they finish the last of the house and carefully return to the tunnels. They return to Paris with heavy hearts.

Ana and Damon infiltrate Paris with their men. They have been told where the girls to be sold are being kept. Damon had rented another warehouse and had it stocked with food, clothes, water and medical personnel on standby. They've already started siphoning off the money from the Martineau mafia. Those funds will be used to return the girls to their homes or to start them on new lives.

Ana and Damon are careful. From what Marthe had told them, Jean-Claude won't check on them again before the auction, he'll be too busy with the family gathering.

They silently take out the guards and once they are gone, they go in and turn on the lights. Ana takes one look. "Shit. I thought Spider was an ass." The girls were in bad shape. They look like survivors of the German death camps.

"What the hell, these girls will hardly be able to stand let alone do anything." Damon is so angry that the tic has appeared in his jaw once more. The men start leading the girls away removing restraints when necessary. They walk and in some cases carry the girls to the waiting vehicles.

"The men will have to help them shower." Ana says coming up to Damon. There is no doubt that they need it and will likely have unwanted vermin to get rid of as well.

"I'll instruct them. I don't understand this, Ana. I've never seen girls treated so badly especially right before an auction.

"They won't be in any shape to travel for some time. We'll need to rent the warehouse for longer." Ana says just as angry as Damon. "Jean-Claude's fall will be more than merited."

"After the bastard and his house fall," Damon smiles at this, "we'll call in the police and media to the other warehouse." We'll let the police deal with this mess. We can come in as people interested in the welfare of the poor girls and give them money to start over. We'll leave someone I know here in charge. He'll make sure things are done right."

"Thanks Damon, you didn't have to do this." Ana says gratefully. She knows Damon doesn't like the slave trade, but he doesn't hate it like she does.

"We're in this together Ana." Damon pulls her to his side and hugs her as they watch the girls being taken out and loaded up.

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