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Trinity saw her when the practice was over and gives her a wave before jogging over to where they were sitting. "Well, boss, how did I look?"

"You're throw needs work and so do your plays. I could predict each and every one and I still don't get the whole reason for this game." Ana says shrugging, but smiles at Trinity's shocked face.

Jacob, tired of hearing this argument steps in, "Think of it this way Ana, how do you feel when you are torturing someone?"

"It relaxes me," Ana says sitting back down after hugging Trinity.

"That's the reason most of us play," Trinity says smiling at Jacob.

Ana looks incredulously at Trinity, "You call getting your body mashed like hamburger relaxing? You've had how many concussions from this game?"

"Only two. Then there was the blown knee and the surgery I had to have for that. But I've been injured working even worse than that." Trinity thinks of the bullets wounds that are killing him right then as he speaks.

"Now, about the knowing beforehand what I was going to do..." but his attention is called by the head cheerleader.

"Go see her. We'll talk at home if you wish about your plays that are predictable." Ana, waves him off and is therefore surprised when instead of leaving he turns to her and kisses her.

"I told her I wasn't interested in her anymore," Trinity says when he's done.

Ana smirks, "That's nice, but using a middle schooler to get your revenge probably isn't the smartest thing you could do."

Trinity shrugs, "Ana, I don't know if you've looked in a mirror lately or not, but it doesn't matter what your age is. You have a fucking hot body that girls my age envy. Add to that your golden hair and blue eyes that you could drown in and I've heard guys here talking about you. I have no doubt that I'll be called upon to keep them away from you."

Jacob is still sitting there with his mouth open staring at Trinity like he's never seen him before. "You better not let Damon see you do that, or you won't live to see the next day's sunrise."

"It's none of his business," Ana says before turning to Trinity. "You better get your things, Damon is just looking for a reason to home school me and being late would do it."

Trinity smiles and jogs off to the shower room to change. "You are playing with fire, Ana." He hears Jacob say before he's out of hearing range. He wonders why Jacob would say that.

By the time he gets back out there Ana's mood had soured and he's learned to not bother her unless he has to when she's like that. He wonders if he's the reason and hopes not. Ana is deadly with those that anger her. He can't think of anything that he might of done to anger her though, so he doesn't think it's him. 

He jumps when he hears a door slam shut and he's sure that it's Ana's door. She's pretty pissed if she's slamming doors, she doesn't like treating other people's property badly. 

He takes a shower and gets started on his homework. Once he's done with that he goes looking for Ana to see if she's calmed down yet or if she's ready to talk. 

Maybe he'll be able to get her to let him tell Damon about the threats Jenny's given Ana. Every other time she's refused to even talk to him about it.

He finds her in her little dance studio Damon fixed up for her. He doesn't know of any other person that would make a room into a mini strip joint for a young girl. But after seeing Ana's talent he's glad Damon did.

If she has been in here since they got home then she must have been really angry.  He hesitates to even bring her attention to him.

Therefore her question to him startles him, "Trinity, do you have plans for tonight?" Ana asks diffidently. She doesn't like this vulnerability she has, nor does she like asking for help. It's different with Damon, he never judges her.

"I do have a date, but if you need me to, I can cancel. What's up?" They all know that Damon left and Ana is angry about something to do with his leaving.

"Damon won't be back for a week and I need someone to stay by me. I'll be having you and Jacob alternating and if neither of you can then I'll have to stay over with Jackson." She doesn't like going over there though. Her nightmares make her scream pretty loud and it wakes everyone up. She doesn't see the need to make everyone else miserable too.

"I'll cancel my date," Trinity says and goes to make the call.

"No, don't. I did promise you to not interfere with your sex life. I'll have Jacob stay with me tonight."

"Ana?" She stops and waits at the door.

"What happened between you and Damon earlier?" The rooms were great at keeping things in, but when people need to know things to not be killed, not so great.

"Damon has to go over seas and is taking Jenny with him. I told him that if he did that he's likely going to have the feds waiting for him when he returns, but he didn't listen."

"Does he know that she's threatened your life?" Trinity asks softly. Anytime something has to do with Damon it's best to talk softly.

"No." Ana sniffs, she's trying desperately to not cry. "He didn't believe me when I told him how old she was, so I don't think he'd believe me if I told him she threatened me. Besides, she's no threat to me. She was just posturing. She likes to play with fire with Damon, wants to get burned by the Phoenix I guess."

Trinity goes up to her and gives her a hug. "Damon, would never take a death threat to you lightly. He may hate me, but if I told him about it he'd kill her. You know that."

Ana smiles, and instantly the back of Trinity's neck prickles in fear, "Oh, I have plans for dear old Jenny. Jacob has this obsession with her. I thought he was fully gay, but it turns out he's bi. He wants her and when I get a hold of her she'll be his bonus. At least for a bit."

Trinity looks askance at Ana, "For you to do that, you would have to make Jenny a slave."

"Yes, I know. You should get ready for your date. You should take her somewhere nice." Ana says departing from the room and not looking back at Trinity's stunned face. Ana hates the slave trade with a passion.

Stunned Trinity stays in place long after Ana leaves. Finally he shakes himself out of his stupor and prepares for his date. 

He can't wait to get out of the estate with the way things are. He's never seen Ana so upset before. He's always thought that Damon was intelligent and smart enough to listen to Ana. That he didn't this time makes him reevaluate the man he's come to admire.

He has a bad feeling about this and where it'll lead to.

His date was very into his choice. He brought her to Ana's hotel and took her to the penthouse. Ana had given him the key before he left. At least the night ended far better than the day had gone. They had a very nice time in the bed after a delightful dinner and midnight dip in the private pool.

Once he gets back to the mansion his good mood evaporates. He hears Ana's tears through her partially opened door. He hears Jacob comforting her and silently closes the door and continues to his own room. That should be Damon in there not Jacob. He doesn't think Ana will be getting any more sleep that night.

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