Lucy looked down at her, curiousness written in her eyes. "Where do you want to go?"

"Where do you want to go?" Lily said with a smile. "You should choose."

"Lily's right! It's always us wanting to go to places so Lucy should choose a place this time!" Happy agreed.

Lucy thought about it and looked out the window, a distant look in her eyes. "I want to walk around Magnolia today."

She was thinking about Laxus again.

"If you're going out, then you should wear something warm," Carla said.

"Carla?" Happy voiced.

Carla glared at Happy with a "just go along with it" look. Happy caught the message and agreed. Lily also took a guess at what Carla wanted to do and followed. The faster Lucy got rid of Laxus from her mind, the better it was. If it pleased her to go see Laxus one last time, so be it.

"Sorry for dragging you guys along," Lucy said with a look of guilt.

She was aware that Happy, Carla, and Lily knew what she wanted to do when she said that she wanted to go stroll around Magnolia. The three exceeds shook their heads, a smile on their faces.

"If it pleases you, we'll follow you," Lily remarked.

"After all, we don't want you collapsing again now, do we?" Carla added, a smirk on her face.

Lucy chuckled and snapped her finger, changing their attire into something warm. Lucy's hair was tied into a single braid, her bangs curled. She wore a gray knitted sweater and a parka green jacket with a fur-lined hood. She had a beige-colored knitted muffler wrapped around her neck, falling down to her waist. On the bottom, she had on a pair of denim jeans followed by a fur lace-up wedge boots.

Happy had on a simple beige sweater, a pair of denim jeans, and boots. A green muffler was wrapped around his neck and a blue wool winter hat with two white pom poms. Lily wore a black jacket with black jeans and a navy blue knitted sweater on the inside and leather shoes. Carla had on a pink jacket with black buttons on the side and a pair of denim jeans and beige colored boots.

The four paid the bill for the previous night and left the inn.

"We're not going back?" Happy questioned.

Lucy shook her head. "What point would there be to stay there? We have to leave sooner or later."

As she said that, Lucy looked up to the sky and breathed in the cool winter air. Her breath was white and she rubbed her hands together, creating friction.

"It's pretty cold today," Carla noted.

"Yeah. Not to mention, the weather hasn't cleared up at all," Lily added, looking up at the sky above.

"It'll clear up soon," Lucy smiled.

"Lucy, where do you want to start?" Happy asked. "We've been walking around aimlessly for at least ten minutes already."

"Who knows?" Lucy smiled, continuing to walk.

The three looked at one another quizzically before deciding to just follow Lucy. Happy, Carla, and Lily walked in front of Lucy as they played a game of shiritori. Seeing them happily chat and play, Lucy smiled but that smile soon faded. Something was missing. Someone was missing. She gritted her teeth, not wanting to cry in public.

"Let's walk towards the canal," Lucy called out, plastering on a smile.

"The one on Strawberry Street?" Happy asked. "I'll lead the way!"

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