Our last stand

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So hello all my fantastic and lovely readers I am updating because well, I feel like updating so yeah..... My dear reader this is the last chapter so feel free to shed tears.

Our boat finally reaches the shore and we all hop off with ease.
Gimili and Legolas made a bet and right before we reach the army at hand Gimili says, "May the best dwarf win!"
We all charge into the battle blood spraying every where.
I fight in-between Legolas and Aragorn.
We reach to the much larger fight and we all charge in.
Legolas and Gimili breath out numbers as each of their prey fall.
I smile at Legolas and rip the head off of an orc.
He smiles as well back at me and rips one of his arrows from the belly of a dead Orc.
Eventually I watch as Legolas takes down an elephant all by himself.
"Wow." I breath out to myself.
All of a sudden I feel the breath taken from my lungs harshly and the world starts to spin as I realize, "I've been shot."
I hold my chest in attempt to keep the blood in but it just oozes from under my finger tips.
I start to cough and splutter a little as I realize that I'm dying.
My thoughts turn to Legolas and I whisper, " I would of spent eternity with you."
I hear a restrained cry from Legolas and I feel him by my side, "Assel!?? Please, please don't be dead. I can't lose you! I can't not now, not ever."
"I wish.... we.... could-of...... lived and l--ooved t-ogether.." I say blood trickling down my chin.
"No! No! No, not yet you can't die on me! Aragorn!" Legolas yells distraught and it kills me knowing I put him this way.
"Assel!" I hear Aragorn shout and my vision blurs, "I love you Legolas. My little green-leaf." I close my eyes and feel a white light encase me.
"My beautiful Assel." I hear a voice all to familiar.
"Mother?" I ask opening my eyes and there she is standing in all her glory, long, dark raven curls rest against her back. Her Snow White skin giving her a beautiful angel-like glow.
"Hello my child." She says sweetly.
"I don't want to go mother! I have a family!" I say putting my hands on my slightly plump stomach.
"It's not you're time my child. one day it will be and I hope you welcome death like an old friend. But, for now go, go now to your husband. Hold him like you've never held him before. Goodbye my child." I force my eyes open to see Legolas right by my makeshift bed crying muttering in why did I have to go?
"I'm not going anywhere yet love." I say to him and take him in a hug. He gives me a kiss that explains every emotion that he's been feeling and I kiss back like never before. " I never have know how much I've longed for your touch Legolas."
"And I as well my love." he replies nuzzling his head into my hair.
"Where are we?" I ask him glancing at the unfamiliar surroundings, it's not the normal Mirkwood green or the Rohan golden color but instead it's a dark blue color on the walls.
"We're in Gondor. Aragorn's coronation is a few hours away." he replies playing with a strand if my hair.
"Did the hobbits succeed?" I ask worry about Samwise and Frodo, my fine hobbit friends. Legolas nods and smiles and I get over joyed, "Aragorn's coronation is a few hours away? Shoo! Shoo I have to get ready!" I say to Legolas and before he can argue I shove him out of the room. I grab a wash cloth and dab my skin with water to get any grime left behind away. I the blather on some body lotion labeled, 'Cherry breeze.'
I look into the closet and find a very beautiful dark green dress that flows brown at the bottom. It's embroidered with light green leaves and vines. I put the dress and it fits to me perfectly. I then put on my fancy green circlet that I remember Legolas helping me with and I leave my hair down but, I tuck it behind my ears.
I then walk out into the hallway and I hear a gasp and the scurrying of feet. I then get tackled in a bone crushing hug by the one and only, Aragorn. "Aragorn! She's my sister not a rag doll!" I hear Arwen chuckle. He lets go of me and I get put into another hug except this one's soft, predictable. "I almost died, you did die! We've put poor Aragorn through hell and back!" Arwen chuckles that soft, light laugh of hers.
"God.... I've missed your laugh." I smile and pull away. "We must be going." Arwen says and walks away with Aragorn in tow. I smile at the silly couple and walk over to the balcony looking over the city.
"Assel?" An familiar voice calls out to me. I am greeted with the sight of Boromir. "Boromir! my dear friend! How goes it?" I ask walking over to him hugging him as if nothing ever happened.
"I'm married now to Rimien she's a good wife, tends to me and my injuries." He says nodding in my hug. "You look ravishing!" he says taking in my full form. I feel a heated blush cover my face and I giggle in response. "I'm sorry my lady, but it seems as though time has slipped away from us and the dawn of night approaches. We must make haste to meet our friends!" He says. We end up taking the long way around and then we end up in the front of the palace I rush over to Legolas and Boromir stands by Faramir, Eowyn and Rimien who looks like she is a few months pregnant. I smile at Aragorn as Legolas and I join him by the stairs. I get lost in remembering and then hear Aragorn say, " You my friends bow to no one." with that we all bow in gratitude to the four small hobbits who have risked so much and received too little.
Then Gandalf crowns Aragorn king of Gondor and Aragorn starts singing in Deunadaian the language of his people who are now long gone and died out. I go back to Mirkwood with Legolas and we ready and await the new chapter of our lives, parenthood.

The blind side of things*A Legolas Greenleaf love story*Where stories live. Discover now