Gandalf the grey has fallen.......

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Gandalf strikes his staff onto the bridge.

As the Balrog steps forward, the bridge collapses from under it and the demon plunges backward into the chasm.

Gandalf, exhausted, leans on his staff and watches the Balrog fall then turns to follow the others.

At the last minute, the flaming whip lashes up from the depths of the abyss and wounds about Gandalf’s ankle, dragging him over the edge.

He clings onto the bridge but is straining to keep his grip.

Frodo rushes forward but Boromir restians him I fall into Legolas' arms feeling as though my heart has been ripped from my chest while it was still beating.

Boromir shouts as the world around me begins to slow,"No, Frodo!"

Frodo cries out in pain,"Gandaaaaalf!"

Gandalf shouts,"Fly you fools!"

  Gandalf loses his grip and falls into the chasm along with my own sanity.

Frodo shouts into the pale darkness that seems so much darker,"Noooooooooooooooo!!!!"

 Boromir grabs hold of Frodo and starts to leave.

Legolas helps me up and we walk out.

Boromir calls for assistence," Aragorn!"

Frodo shouts again into the darkness," Noooooooooooo!!!"

  Aragorn is stunned. He stares at the bridge in disbelief.

For a moment he does not move, but then orc arrows start whistling by once again, shooting at everyone I watch unable to do anything else.

Dodging, he turns and follows the others up the stairs.

 All of us come streaming out of the East Gate of Moria.

Everyone is distraught.

Sam sits on the ground, bows his head onto his hands and begins to weep.

Merry consoles Pippin, who lay crying.

Boromir tries to restrain Gimli as the dwarf vents out his rage and sorrow.

Legolas wears a look of shock and disbelief and he holds me close to him as I wear a look of blankness.

 Aragorn wipes his sword clean, re-sheathes it and turns to the others.

Aragorn says,"Legolas, get them up."

Boromir cries," Give them a moment for pity's sake."

Aragorn points to the hills surrounding us," By nightfall these hills will be swarming with orcs! We must reach the Woods of Lothlorien. Come Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, get them up."

Aragorn says,"< he reaches down and lifts Sam up > On your feet Sam. < looks around > Frodo? Frodo!"

 Frodo, a few paces away, grieves alone.

Weeping silently, he turns towards Aragorn a small tear slips down his cheek.

 After we all grieve for Gandalf we finaly reach Dimrill Dale.

We cross Dimrill Dale and enters the Woods of Lothlorien >

Gimli says," Stay close young hobbits! They say there’s a great sorceress lives in these woods, an elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her, fall under her spell..."

Galadriel’s Voice,"< whispering echo > Frodo....Assel"

  Frodo and I, startled, looks around.

Gimli says,"... and are never seen again."

Galadriel’s Voice calls to Frodo yet I can hear her," …Your coming to us… is as the footsteps of doom. You bring great evil here Ring bearer!"

Sam asks in concern," Mr. Frodo?"

Gimli says reashured,"Well, here is one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!"

 With arrows notched, Lorien elves suddenly appear from behind the trees, aiming at them.

The Fellowship stops and look around, alarmed.

 Gimli sighs,"Oh..."

Haldir says," The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark."

 Gimili growles and I step forth and say with my voice cracking from the tears," Haldir dear freind."

He opens his arms to me and I rush into them as everyone else talks.

Aragorns says,"Haldir o Lórien. Henion aníron, boe ammen i dulu lîn. Boe ammen veriad lîn."

(Haldir of Lorien, we come here for help. We need your protection.)

Gimli whispers," Aragorn, these woods are perilous! We should go back."

Haldir says with me still in his strong arms," You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. You cannot go back. Come, she is waiting."

The Fellowship arrive at Caras Galadhon.

They ascend a winding stairway amongst the trees, towards the grand court of Galadriel and Celeborn.

With a glow issuing forth from them, the Lord and Lady of Lothlorien descend to meet the Fellowship, hand in hand.

Aragorn touches his head reverently in greeting.

Celeborn says," Nine that are here yet ten there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him."

Galadriel looks at me and Aragorn, reading the answer in our eyes.

Galadriel says," He has fallen into shadow."

The blind side of things*A Legolas Greenleaf love story*Where stories live. Discover now