The Mines of Moria

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Assel's p.o.v.

I feel air go into my body and I guess I will reward him by a kiss.

Little did I know that I opened my eyes to be greeted by the image of legolas.

I emitadlitally broke the kiss and I open my eyes, I am blinded by whiteness.

I see this handsome figure pulling back from my face shocked.

"Legolas?" I ask him blinking a couple of times to see if the image of him would fade but, it didn't.

"Yes Assel why did you kiss me?" He asks.

Then Boromir yells, (Way to ruin the moment Boromir!) "We must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the west road to my city!"

I look over to the man that yells this, not bad looking but, still the same posh prince that I, over time have come to know.

"The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!" Aragorn yells, how I know this, I do not.

"If we cannot pass over a mountain, let us go under it. Let us go through the mines of Moria. " Gimili states I know him because well he is the shortest other than the hobbits.

" Let the Ring bearer decide. " Gandalf says, grimly I know him because of the beard and hat and cloak for I have felt them.

Frodo who is clinging onto Aragorn for dear life says, " We will go through the mines." His dampened hair sticks to his head.

"So be it." Gandalf states, fearfull.

We start our desent as Legolas and I talk and laugh more.

Gosh, his laugh is beautiful.

Wait what am I saying?

I have gone crazy offically.

'No my daughter you have not.' I hear this voice in my head go off.

'Who are you?' I ask.

'Your mother.'she says (haha I see the joke)


The blind side of things*A Legolas Greenleaf love story*Where stories live. Discover now