Leaving Lothlorien

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, sorry there has been things on my mind; personal issues nothing big.


Legolas and I walk hand in hand to the dinner table.

"Finally you two I knew it!" Gimili chuckles.

"What do you mean master dwarf?" I ask curious.

"You two are together ever since that kiss in the Cadrahas!" Merry says smiling.

"Okay then?" I say and sit down next to Aragorn and Legolas sits next to me.

We all eat quickly and quietly then return to camp.

When we arrive back, Lady Galadriel is waiting for us.

"I much desire to talk to you Assel, come with me." She extends her arms wide and I slip out of Legolas' grasp.

We walk to her chambers and she hands me a dress.

"Go have a bath and slip this on." She smiles.

I nod and walk to the wash room and the tub is already filled with hot water.

I slip off my trousers; still stained with orc blood mind you.

I toss all of the clothes in a heap and settle down into the water to wash away my troubles.

I take a bottle labeled, Fresh raspberries I pour it into my bath and bubbles form instantly.

"Fancy seeing you here." Legolas says.

"Legolas get out I am bathing!" I say with my eyes still closed.

I hear his foot steps turn away as he calls out, "Enjoy taking up all the hot water."

I smile and say, "I will now leave!"

He leaves and reluctantly I wash my hair with soap and conditioner.

I step out of the bath and wrap my self in a bath robe.

I glance to the water, oh my that is rather dirty!

It looks more like mud than water, then I drain the water.

I glance around at the different body sprays, hmmm.

I take the one labeled, Ginger Snap I take a whiff of it and decide that it's good enough.

I spay a bit on and change into the dress that My lady I mean My Mother gave me.

I walk out and everyone stares at me.

I smile, "Hello."

I walk over to where Legolas is perched as the elves start to sing the layment for Gandlaf.

"What are they sayin?" Sam asks.

"I haven't the heart to tell you for the pain is all to near." Legolas says.

I say, "Olórin whom long ago

sent by the Lords of the West

to guard the Lands of the East,

ever-wise of the Maiar

what drove you to leave

the land which you loved?

Mithrandir, Mithrandir, O Pilgrim Grey

No more you will wander the world green

Your journey has ended in darkness

The bonds cut, the spirit broken

The Flame of Anor has left this World

A great light has gone out."

I lay my head on Legolas' shoulder and he hums me to sleep.

When I wake up legolas' arms are wrapped around my waist and my head is on his chest.

Everyone else wakes up and we go to my Mother for our gifts.

Legolas gets a new bow and some arrows, Gimili gets some of her hair, Sam gets some elvish rope, Frodo gets a star, Merry& Pippin get shiny daggers, Aragorn gets nothing for he has my sisters love, and my mother steps in front of me.

"And you my daughter I give to you Sundering the light of our sea, I hope you will see the light when no one else can. You have always seen the light my love, all you need to do is follow it." She says to me and I nod taking the necklace that is glowing a bright blue.

We head out on the boats I go with Gimili and Legolas, and Legolas and I row ahead of everyone else.

When we arrive at camp we set up, Boromir goes to get fire wood and Frodo sneaks away. 

The blind side of things*A Legolas Greenleaf love story*Where stories live. Discover now