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Hello once again my lovely reader it's two in the morning here in London. I'm on vacation and feel bad that I haven't updated in a while.... So here's a little something for 'yall :) Enjoy!


"Ready." Legolas sighs and we all walk into the dark, damp and musty hole.

The passage opens up into a little cave and we all walk until we find this rather large space full of dust and smoke.

Gimili walks and every time he does so a horrifying sound aluminates the empty cavern.

Gimili makes disgusted faces with every single, crack, crunch and snap of something bone like.

I can't help but chuckle at Gimili's face which earns me a chastising look from Legolas.

"Hey Legolas." I say smiling trying to give him some lovely news that I just found out from myself.

"What Assel?" He asks taking my hand in his.

"I'm pregnant." I say swaying our hands back and forth.

"How do you know?" He asks joy, glee and confusion etched upon his face in a slightly attractive manner.

"Well I developed those powers I was telling you about back in Rivendell and one of them was-- I mean is how to tell if a lady is pregnant and I am." I say looking strait into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Well this is unexpected." Aragorn says and the evil skull dude starts chuckling a deep throated laugh that just seems to get bigger.

The walls of the cavern start to crumble down upon us and I grab Legolas' hand and we all head out.

Aragorn collapses to his feet when he sees the navy approaching.

The evil skull dude emerges from the wall and says, "We shall fight for you."

We head to the docks and challenge the boats.

"What? What is a man, a dwarf and two elves going to do to us?" The man calls out.

"This." Aragorn whispers and we all charge to the boats.

By we all I mean all of us; ghosts included in our fun game.

We all head onto the boat and Legolas and I go below deck to decide what is the fate of the child and I.

"I know what you will suggest and I will not have it. I will die cooped up in a room. Even if you tell me to stay I shall go." I say plopping down on the bed.

"Okay I know I can not do anything so I shall ask you to be careful." Legolas asks with a small gleam in his eyes.

"Yes I promise Legolas, for me and the children." I say patting my stomach.

"Wait children?" Legolas asks.

"Oh yes, children seems as though twins. Seems as though it's two boys." I say rubbing my stomach affectionately.

"Wh-What?" Legolas stutters and looks down at me from where he's standing.

"Yep I hope I can name them. I'm thinking along the lines of Remus and Thranduil jr." I say smiling.

The blind side of things*A Legolas Greenleaf love story*Where stories live. Discover now