A little something

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Hello my lovely readers once more so I am bored on valentine's day so heehee let's just say that their wedding's on Valentine's day :)


I can't believe it we're getting married today.

It doesn't even sound real.

Ma-ra-ge.... It seems like a fairy tale kids go to be listening about the wonders of it.

But, to grow up with the stories then actually live it?

Now that my friends is true magic.

I glance at my reflection on the mirror, I see a beautiful young elleth with a beautiful dress on laced carefully in lace. 

"It's time." I hear Eowen whisper from behind me and I nod read to face the rest of my life with confidence.

Arwen, my brothers and my father and mother all showed up, and I am very grateful for that.

Even Boromir and Rimien showed up.

They're engaged now and expecting their first child soon.

I walk to where the doors will open, ready for my life to begin.

The doors open and a rain of flowers flow as I walk down the isle.

I smile and keep my eyes on Legolas and the whole world fades away and everyone is left behind except for Legolas.

------Legolas' point of view (LE GASP)---------------------------------------------------------------------

As Assel walks down the isle I feel all of my sadness and worries leave me.

She is walked down the isle by her father; Lord Elrond the wise.

He nods to me and gives me Assel and he goes and sits by Lady Galadriel Assel's mother.

(I know that's weird 'cause she's sort-of his step-mother but, who gives a shit!)

The minister begins to speak and while he goes on Assel whispers, "Isn't that your dad?"

I nod and she smiles fondly at my father reciting some ancient text meant for marriage in Sindiren.

"Bring forth the rings." My father says and Merry and Pippin come up each holding a ring on the pillows.

I take Assel's ring in my hand and gingerly slip it on her finger.

I start to say my vows, "My dear Assel since the moment we first met I knew I had to make you mine. When you got sick I took care of you and I hoped you wouldn't notice how much I felt for you. Assel our life is already half way through but, I feel as though it is just beginning. I shall spend forever with you until the days be none. I shall treasure you like a lost and precious gem. I am so glad I found you. With this ring it signifies our love for each other. Forever and unyielding. I love you Assel."

She nods and we hear a couple of sniffs in the audience from crying.

She smiles and takes my ring and slips it on my finger, "My hero Legolas I knew that you were the one meant for me since this journeys start. From the first moment I heard your voice to the moment I kissed you I thought I would never be able to see you yet I loved you. From the moment you gave me back my eyesight to right now you have made me the happiest Elleth around. Now I cannot wait for what adventures await us in our days of far. With this ring it signifies the days from now no madder how near or far they might be. I will always love you Legolas Greenleaf Thrandulion. Till the days of time stop working and the sun stops shining I will always love you."

"You may now kiss the bride." My father smiles.

I lift her veil and we kiss and our whole audience cheers.

Flower petals and beads are thrown around and we smile and kiss.

*Skip a couple of fun reception hours*

"Goodnight we shall retire!" Assel smiles and we head for our room.

I close the door and we begin to kiss and then it gets a bit more rough...

*skip that smut 'cause I'm to lazy to write it*

-Assel's point of view---

Wow... that was just wow...

I can't believe we did what we just did.

Legolas rolls over and wraps his arms around me and whispers, "Goodnight my wife."

I get goose bumps on how fluently 'wife' rolls off his tongue.

"Goodnight my husband." I whisper and Legolas kisses the nook of my neck.

I fall asleep to beautiful dreams.....

- dream mode activated or is it a dream? Maybe or maybe not :)-

I sit on the throne of Mirkwood and watch as Legolas runs around with our son he laughs and smiles.

Thorin walks in accompanied by his lovely wife and beautiful son Sundering. (heehee :)

"Hello." I say and bow but, I find it hard.

I look down and see a ginormous baby bump.

"No need for bowing I can see you find it difficult." Thorin's wife says.

I smile and Thorin and Sundering go to see Legolas and our son while Thorin's wife stays with me.

"So Assel how is the pregnancy handling you." She asks.

"Well, Ravera(only a nickname) I am bursting at the sides with joy and pride. It's just a wonderful process overall. Why do you ask?" I question.

"Well Assel I just wanted to let you know I am pregnant." She beams.

"That's wonderful Ravera." I squeal and hug her.

She giggles and Legolas comes over with our son and right as I reach out to our son the image fades away and I wake up.

 "Ravera!" I shout in a whisper voice.

Legolas shoots up and whispers, "What?"

I shrug and whisper, "It's nothing Legolas go back to bed. It was just a dream."

He nods and wraps his arms around me, then he starts to kiss my neck.

I smile and lay back down while Legolas hums me to sleep with a sweet lullaby.

"Agnus dei

Agnus dei

Qui tolis parcatta mondi."

I sing softly and he uses his index finger and traces little circles on my bear arm.


There you guys go! I updated so now you guys know that Sundering's parents are Thorin and his wife :P so yeah :)

The blind side of things*A Legolas Greenleaf love story*Where stories live. Discover now