To the aid of Gondor!

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Last chapter is a bit confusing but, the wedding happened after the party where they hailed the dead and yeah... So yeah read on my lovely Ringers :) Also by time this happens it's after Pippin is sent off the Minas Tirich.


I sit up in bed frowning Legolas left me but, he probably has good intentions.

I smile at the mere memory of him.

The feeling of his hot breath on my skin, his touch lightly grazing me but, sending sparks shooting and goose bumps rising.

I rub my arms where they already have goose bumps from my vivid imagination.

I pull on one of my light blue tops and secure it with my regular corset.

I slip on my leather trousers and secure them at my waist.

I take my comb and brush though my tangled, bed-head hair.

After brushing my hair Legolas comes in and says, "Have I been gone that long?-" I not to his response and he continues, "- Well we are going to ride to Gondor's aid."

I nod and say, "Okay, I can't believe it! I'm going to see Faramir! If you didn't know Faramir is Boromir's younger brother. Oh Boromir is not going to be happy... Faramir goes off and fights while Boromir is still weak, it was a miracle that Rimien was able to cure him at all."

Legolas holds out his hand for me to take, "Care to take a walk with me Mrs. Greenleaf?"

"Why I shall Mr. Greenleaf." I giggle taking Legolas' hand and we stroll around.

"I'll miss being here Legolas." I sigh glancing at the wide open sentry.

"I know you will." He sighs as well.

"Legolas look!" I whisper and point to Boromir and Rimien making kissy face down by the river bank.

"Well then, um that was unexpected." Legolas says while lifting up his eyebrows in a very surprised manner.

"Their married for heavens sake Legolas." I sigh smiling at my husband's oblivious-ness.

"Oh well that explains a lot." Legolas smiles leaning down to kiss me and I oblige.

"OY YOU TWO!" Some random Rohan citizen calls out to us.

"Yes sir? Can we help you?" I ask walking closer to him with Legolas still right next to me.

"We're leavin' soon so better get ready." He replies and I nod as he walks back to his home.

"Okay then?" I shrug and Legolas and I head to the Barn to saddle up our horses.

"I'll get Limlight you can get Esgaroth." I say pointing in the directions and Legolas nods leaving me to saddle up Limlight alone. 

I shift my sword over a little more so that I can bend down and get the saddle.

I ride alone and Legolas and Gimili ride together and Aragorn rides alone.

I pet Limlight and nuzzle my face in her main as I say, "Nor mah calibrine." (Calm my princess.)

She nods wisely at me, much like Gandalf as I throw the saddle over her.

The blind side of things*A Legolas Greenleaf love story*Where stories live. Discover now