CHAPTER 2{Chariot Rides}

Start from the beginning

"Strange Things are happening no stranger would it be..."

The third Chariot is pulled by two light Grey horses, armed in the bullet proof armor the peacekeepers had on their horses. The two young and robust horses pull a slick white metal Chariot in which Rebekah Lockwood and Kaden Woods stand. Printed into the side of the Chariot are "Peacekeepers"
Both teenagers have a white marble pillar in front of them and have thick black rope tying them to the pillar. Kaden is shirtless and has a whole bunch of makeup effects on his back,creating the effects of whip scars and open wounds on his back.
Rebekah is dressed very similarly, with the obvious exception of a small black bra covering her breasts. Her pants have been cut into ribbons similarly to Kadens
The two teenagers are blushing like crazy. They felt absolutely humiliated and it showed. This only increased the powerful message of the torture and public humiliation that the peacekeepers provided to the Districts.

"If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree"

The next cart... Was a shocker to say the least. There wasn't much gasps and such, during the previous Chariot Rides but the two young women bought the attention of the entire Continent.
Two pure black horses pulled a golden Chariot covered in black and silver filigree. On the sides, etched in bold silver letters, was the shocking phrase"Prostitute our Victors!?".
Two young women stood on the Chariot wearing nothing but cracked glass crowns and gold undergarments . It was Shea Prescott and Bettina Clark, two of the younger female tributes.
While of course nudity was never a big deal in the capital and nude Chariot Rides had happened in the past noone waa expecting this from the Districts, but the message was sent as Johannas voice started once again.
"You may know this you miserable asses, but while you praised our traumatized victors a good half of us were forced into Prostitution by your beloved Snow!" she screams before the microphone cuts out. She said no more as the next Chariot went.

"Are you, are you, coming to the tree?"

The next two horses were pale white and covered in red body paint. They pulled a small white cart with the tributes Armie Stranger and Serenity Moore in it. Both of the women were dressed as Avoxes, and the crimson red words along their cart read exactly that, "Avoxes"
Armie was had paint all over her body, to make her beautiful Carmel skin a much more pale color. Serenitys body was left the same due to her pale complexion. The girls hair were pulled back into a tight bun and a crimson red ribbon was tied around both of the girls mouthes.

Once the rebellion had overthrow the Capital all Avoxes were set free but no matter how they tried their sufferings and tortured pasts always came back to haunt them.

"Where's a dead man called out, for his love to flee"

The next Chariot to ride out into the colorful spotlights was a large bright white metal cart, but with hundreds of scuffs, scrapes, dents, and tears. Pulling it were two black horses, each one a complete mess. Their hair was frizzy and messy and their was dirt in their hair. In the side of the chariot written in pitch black paint were the words "Disease"
The teens, Colin Cini and Kota Jackson, stood side by side both wearing similar outfits. Colin was dressed as a capital doctor. He wore bright blue scrubs and a face mask that glowed in the dark. He was carrying a whole bunch of medications as opposed to his partner Kota, who wore dirty regular scrubs and no medicine on her. Many people in the audience didn't understand it, but it represented the difference of medicine availability in the Capital.

"Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be..."

The next Chariot... It was the one that was remembered for the next century. It carried more than tributes, it carried a message.

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